Diagram accounting accounts 511 circular 200 is specified how? This article AccNet will share the information related to the problems on to you easy to remember and accounting transactions related to sales revenue, and provide services offline.

1. Account 511 is the account?

In accordance with Article 79  Circular no. 200/2014/TT-BTC:

Account 511 - Revenue from sale of goods and supply of services is the account you used to reflect the revenue earned by the business during an accounting include sales of products, goods and provides services of both parent company and subsidiary company in a group.

Account 511 reflect the revenue of manufacturing operations, business from the business to sell goods, provide services and other sales.

2. Textured account 511

Before finding out about diagram accounting accounts 511 circular 200 let's go through the structure of the accounts 511, including the account level 2 as follows:

Kết cấu tài khoản 511

  • Account 5111 - sales of goods: This account is used to reflect the turnover of goods sold in an accounting period of the company. Account 5111 mainly used in commodity trading, food,...
  • Account 5112 - sales of the finished products: Reflect revenue and net sales of products, goods sold in an accounting period of the business. Account 5112 mainly used in the manufacturing industry material, such as industrial, construction, agricultural, fishery,...
  • Account 5113 - Sales service provider: this account reflects the revenue and net revenue for the volume of services have completed the offer for customers during an accounting period. Account 5113 mainly used in services such as transport services, travel, accounting, technology,...
  • Account 5114 - revenue grants, subsidies: Reflects the revenue from grants, subsidies of state when performing business that provides goods and products according to the requirements of The state.
  • Account 5117 - Business sales real estate investing: Reflects revenue from the rental of real estate investment and revenue from sell, liquidate real estate investment.
  • Account 5118 - revenue other: This account is used to reflect the revenue accounts other than 5 accounts listed above, as revenue from sale of materials, scrap, sell, instruments, tools and other sales.

3. Diagram accounting accounts 511 circular 200

To perform properly accounted for accounts 511, refer to the diagram accounting accounts 511 circular 200.

3.1 diagram of accounting revenues are not taxable value

Accounting economic transactions through selling goods not subject to VAT are summarized in the diagram accounting as follows:

Sơ đồ hạch toán tài khoản 511 theo thông tư 200

3.2 diagram of accounting revenue subject to value added tax according to the method of deduction

Accounting economic transactions related to the sale of goods and supply of services subject to VAT according to the method of deduction is summarized as the following diagram:

Sơ đồ hạch toán tài khoản 511 theo thông tư 200

3.3 revenue subject to export tax, environment and excise

Accounting economic transactions related to the export tax, environmental tax and the excise tax be summarized as diagram accounting accounts 511 circular 200 below:

Doanh thu chịu thuế xuất khẩu, môi trường và tiêu thụ đặc biệt

3.4 revenue barter not similar according to the method of deduction

Accounting economic transactions related to the sales order change is not similar according to the method of deduction is summarized as the following diagram:

Sơ đồ hạch toán tài khoản 511 theo thông tư 200

3.5 diagram of accounting revenue construction contracts

Diagram accounting accounts 511 circular 200 economic transactions in terms of revenue building activities are summarized as the following diagram:

Sơ đồ hạch toán doanh thu hợp đồng xây dựng

3.6 accounting revenue subsidies, subsidies

Economic transactions related to revenue subsidies, subsidies of state are summarized as the following diagram:

Kế toán doanh thu có trợ cấp, trợ giá

3.7 accounting revenue for unit sale agent

Accounting economic transactions related to revenue for unit sale agents are summarized as follows:

Sơ đồ hạch toán tài khoản 511 theo thông tư 200

3.8 revenue from the unit dependent accounting business insider

Accounting for the economic transactions of revenue from the accounting units depend internal business be summarized as diagram accounting accounts 511 circular 200 below:

Sơ đồ hạch toán tài khoản 511 theo thông tư 200

Sơ đồ hạch toán tài khoản 511 theo thông tư 200

Sơ đồ hạch toán tài khoản 511 theo thông tư 200

On this is the diagram accounting accounts 511 circular 200 was AccNet detailed summary help you easily remember and implement the service quickly. Next is the share about how accounting sales and service provider details of each business. Continue to monitor the articles offline.

4. How accounting accounts 511 details

Circular 200 are instructions on how accounting accounts 511 in a number of business mainly below:

Cách hạch toán tài khoản 511 chi tiết

4.1 accounting sales volume of product

  • For goods and services, real estate investments, which are subject to VAT, excise tax, export tax, environmental protection. Accounting revenue sale of goods and services according to the prices do not include tax. the account to submit (in detail each type of tax) are separated when revenue recognition.

Debt 111, 112, 131: the Total price payment

There are 511: revenue from sale of goods and services do not include tax.

There are 333: Taxes and other payables to the state budget.

  • Case no cup is the right amount of tax not paid, they must maintain receipts recorded the amount of tax not paid. Periodically determine the tax obligations and reduced revenue:

Debt 511: revenue from sale of goods and supply of services.

There are 333: Taxes and other payables to the state budget.

4.2 accounting for revenue in the form of installments

Revenue in the form of installments, the amount of deferred receivables of the customer is reflected into account 3387 “unearned revenue”. Amount of interest periodically be transferred to the account 515 “revenue from financial operations”. 

  • When selling goods in installments, accounting reflects the revenue by the price paid immediately without tax:

Debt 131: receivable of clients

There are 511: revenue from sale of goods and supply of services (the price paid immediately not including tax).

There are 333: Taxes and other payables to the state budget.

There are 3387: unrealized revenue (the amount of the difference between the total amount calculated according to the price installment sale and sale price paid immediately).

  • Revenue recognition interest installment sales in the period reflected on the account:

Debt 3387: unrealized revenue

There are 515: revenue from financial activities (the amount of interest installment)

4.3 accounting for revenue in the form of rent fixed assets, real estate

For operating lease of fixed assets and real estate, the accounting revenue is in accordance with rental service, fixed assets and real estate investment completed in each of the states. When the invoice-payment of rent fixed assets and real estate from accounting records:

Hạch toán doanh thu theo hình thức thuê TSCĐ, bất động sản

Debt 131: the receivable of the customer (in case of not receiving the money now)

Debt 111, 112: (in case of obtaining money right)

There are 511: revenue from sales and service provider

There are 3331: VAT payable

  • Case received before many states revenue from operating lease of fixed assets and lease of real estate investment, accounting record:

Debt 111, 112: the Total money received in advance

There are 3387: unrealized revenue (price excluding tax)

There are 3331: VAT payable

  • And transfer revenue period end:

Debt 3387: unrealized revenue (price excluding tax)

There are 511: sales and service provider (5113 and 5117)

  • Amount to be refunded to the customer due to the contract for lease of fixed assets and real ESTATE investment is not made or the contract period is shorter than the time was collecting money earlier, the record is as follows:

Debt 3387: unrealized revenue (price excluding tax)

Debt 3331: VAT payable (Number reimburse lessee on VAT not done)

There are 111, 112: the Total amount repaid

4.4 revenue sales through agents commission

a) accounting side dealer delivery

  • When exporting goods to the dealer to set “warehouse consignment agents”, accounting record:

Debt 157: Goods sent for sale

There are 155, 156

  • After goods send agents have been sold, based on the declaration and the bill of goods sold by dealers set and send it to accounting, perform accounting sales revenue by selling price excluding tax:

Debt 111, 112, 131,...: the Total price payment

There are 511: sales and service provider

There are 3331: VAT payable

At the same time recorded the price of capital goods:

Debt 632: cost of goods sold

There are 157: consignment

  • The amount of commission paid to agents, record:

Debt 642: Cost management business (excluding VAT)

Debt 133: VAT deductible

There are 111, 112, 131,...

b) accounting units get as agents for the price is right commission

  • If the receiving agent has sold, based on VAT invoices or sales receipts and other vouchers or other related accounting recorded cash sales agent must pay for the delivery are as follows:

 Debt 111, 112, 131,...

There are 331: Total amount to be paid by the seller

  • When determining the revenue commission agent is entitled, inscribed:

Debt 331: paying the seller

There are 511: sales and service provider

There are 3331: VAT payable

  • When to pay sales agent for the delivery, recorded as follows:

Debt 331: paying the seller

There are 111, 112.

4.5 accounting revenue construction activities

  • When accounting for revenue operations, construction, accounting, invoicing, VAT, based on the finished work is verified customers, note:

Debt 111, 112, 131: 

There are 511: sales and service provider 

There are 3331: VAT payable

  • Bonuses obtained from customer to pay for the contractor when completing the contract reaches, or exceeds some only target specified in the contract, the accounting records:

Debt 111, 112, 131: 

There are 511: sales and service provider 

There are 3331: VAT payable

  • Compensation received from the customer to compensate the costs not included in the contract value accounting:

Debt 111, 112, 131: 

There are 511: sales and service provider 

There are 3331: VAT payable

  • If payment is received volume of work completed or the advance of the customer record:

Debt 111, 112...

There are 131: receivable of clients

The accounting account 511 circular 200 requires the accuracy, strict compliance with the provisions on recognition of revenue from sale of goods/provision of services. However, with the complexity of the service economy, especially when related to value added tax, export tax, business activities, such as construction, many businesses have difficulty in ensuring consistency in financial reporting. Errors in accounting can cause major risks affecting the decision.

Accnet Cloud HKD a comprehensive solution helps automate/optimize processes accounting accounts 511. With intelligent system, businesses can easily recorded, classified revenue in each business activity, at the same time ensure accuracy in the reporting process. Experience Accnet Cloud HKD today to simplify the process of accounting, advanced financial performance of the business!


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On this is the information the account overview 511 - revenues from sales and service provider. Especially with diagram accounting accounts 511 circular 200 can help accountants complete the accounting quickly. If you have any questions or any questions don't hesitate to contact AccNet using the contact information below.


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