Today, technological advances have helped people use the computer to perform the daily work of his is an easier way. In the field of financial management, accounting, knowing how to create ledger on Excel not only save time but also increase the efficiency in work. Let's Accnet find out now how to do ledger on excel under this article, okay!
Stage 1: preparing the category account when applying how to do ledger on excel
To distinguish between the synthetic account with another account for a table for ledger are made through the following steps:
- Step 1: distinguish the synthetic account
Principles of accounting rules that synthetic account only has 3 characters in it. Here, you can use the function ‘Count characters’ to specify the number of characters that each account has in column A.
The excel function used is LEN() >>> You put that formula applied to the entire account portfolio >>> Only those that result in a new 3 is considered to be the cell with synthetic account.
- Step 3: Use the filter to take out the synthetic account when applying how to do ledger on excel
In the Data Tab, select apply filters for the category account >>> In the Filtering (C2), press the filter >>> In the filter list, uncheck all the values are listed, then only select the value 3 >>> result of the filtering process is as follows:
- Step 4: Copy the list of accounts filtered
In column A, copy all of the results after step filtration Monday >>> Open a new document, on sheet this you can right click on a cell, select Paste Special >>> In windows, Paste Special, you select the content need to paste that Value, then click OK >>> You can distinguish the synthetic account through a different address.
- Step 5: Complete the procedures to filter the account in the ledger on excel
You must return the format of the original item >>> In the account list, columns have a filter called column ‘filter’, you use the button associated with the filter to select all the account (or you can also use the ‘filter data’ to delete mode) >>> In the paste contains a list of account aggregation, you can use the function ‘Verify data’ to create the list of accounts can be picked up >>> In cell F1, can choose any account in the account list aggregate.
Stage 2: Identify the components in the structure of the ledger on excel
The main components when the application how to do ledger on excel includes:
- Business information include: name, address, tax code... to when the print window that we determine is it attached to any unit.
- Pattern book: Sample window is set based on the circulars, decisions, form...
- Name window: To prove this is the ledger rather than other window.
- Account information: information will be specific to the synthetic account. Information about your account, to differentiate it with other accounts on each ledger separately.
- Track time: Depending on the needs of the management board, there may be mold different time to track arose in the ledger.
- Title to the content columns: Each column will have a own content, should have a title to differentiate the content in each column.
- The first viable states: Need 1 line to determine the starting point of that account.
- States arise: synthesis of the expenses incurred in the period in accordance with the content recorded in the windows.
- Total incurred during the period: 1-line data aggregation in the states.
- Final balance account: 1 line summary of the final amount in that account.
- Those who have the relevant authority to sign, approve content in the ledger
After getting to know the ingredients in how to do ledger on excelyou will go deep into the details of the deployment in phase 3 below:
Phase 3: construction details is the final step in how to do the ledger on excel
- Step 1: Create TextBox
To create a text box, go to the tab Insert, then select ‘text Box’
In these boxes, you can highlight the parts need to format and select format in the home tab >>> To remove color, border color, background color of the TextBox, you right click on TextBox, select Size and Properties >>> in the Format Shape you choose as follows:
- Fill: select No Fill (default color)
- Line: Select No Line (contour)
Benefits of Textbox in how to do ledger on excel: can position anywhere on your computer, doesn't depend on the number of rows or columns. Easily arrange and decorate to suit the structure of the ledger when printing.
- Step 2: Create information ledger
Complete basic information:
- Name: ledger
- Account: account that can be accessed from the list.
- Duration: can enter any time you want to
The content of this lies below the company info in center position for easy access
You can create the cells express account number, date tracking outside the print area of the ledger, and then create the formula will collect information related to the time the account template ledger. This will enhance the beauty of the presentation and create conditions favorable for viewing it.
Complete the column header when you create information in the ledger on excel:
Content of header ledger typically includes the following sections:
- Recording date
- Information on record: record Number, date of birth
- Discuss the meaning of the transaction arises
- Account to be associated with ledger account in any financial transaction occurs.
- The total amount of debt in the Debtor's ledger, the total amount owed on the side of the ledger.
Next, you will discuss the content of the category.
Balance at beginning of term and final exams: The format of debit notes are of this category is the format Accounting, are underlined.
Number of states arises: format Accounting, no need to underline
Complete information about the signing:
You can fill out your content in the ‘text Box’ to easily sort the layout (almost the same with business information in the ledger).
The establishment ledger on Excel, however, help accountants to simplify the manipulation, but also poses difficulties for those who are not familiar with the function, process data processing. Users may encounter errors in the data filter account, layout, tables or calculate balances arise. These difficulties not only slow down the progress of the work, but also potential risks when need to make financial decisions based on inaccurate information.
Accnet Cloud xuất hiện như một giải pháp thông minh để khắc phục những vấn đề trên. Không chỉ tự động hóa quá trình lập sổ cái, Accnet Cloud còn hỗ trợ kế toán viên theo dõi/xử lý dữ liệu tài chính chính xác, không bị rối bởi những bước thủ công phức tạp. Phần mềm này cho phép doanh nghiệp cập nhật dữ liệu theo thời gian thực, tạo ra các báo cáo tài chính rõ ràng, dễ dàng quản lý các giao dịch kế toán. Khám phá ngay Accnet Cloud to help your business optimize the process of ledger, financial management, efficiency, quickly!
AccNet Cloud designed specifically to meet the accounting needs of the business. With modern technology, user-friendly interface software that helps optimize the operation accounting. The outstanding benefits of AccNet Cloud includes:
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- Automatic accounting and synthetic data
- Help control cash flow efficiency
- All revenues and expenditures are recorded accurately
- Creation support tax reporting, financial reporting detail
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- Use on any device with internet connection
- Financial management is not interrupted
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So is Accnet has guided you how to do ledger on Excel simple from the most basic steps. This not only helps you better grasp on the financial situation, but also is an effective method to track, manage your expenses, income. Let's apply this understanding to the efforts of your daily to institutions, financial management most effective.
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