When Businesses perform accounting transactions related to paper invoices or electronic invoices will be difficult to avoid the case of lost bill. So these cases will use the template the minutes lost bills how? The treatment process like? The AccNet track't miss this article to know more detail, please.

Process takes a VAT invoice - Related 2 output

Process takes bill is divided into several different cases. Depending on the specific case in which way the handle will also be different.

Biên bản mất hóa đơn

TH1: Lose invoice input hasn tax declaration

With case invoice not tax declaration will be treated as follows: buy-Side and sell-side up explanations about the loss of bill. Memorandum of get requests as:

  • Specifies the events, buy-side or sell-side losing bills
  • Specifies information related 1 of the seller about the time a filing.
  • Specifies the full name of the individual legal representative or authorized person of the 2 sides.
  • Setting explanation writing about losing bills are paper verify clear.

TH2: the specified handle losing bills related 2

Perform processing according to the circular 176/2016/TT-BTC as following:

  • Use the form BC21/AC to notice the loss of invoices to the tax authorities. As a rule, the case of loss or damage be considered a violation of bills. The deadline to send notifications no later than 5 days from when discovered the loss or damage of the invoice. Note, the loss shall be responsible for reporting to be submitted to the tax authorities.
  • Establishment the minutes lost bills: The seller will contact the buyer to make a record explanations about the loss of the invoice to get the job. In which, the seller specifies the bills related 1 has declare and pay tax on time specific. Representative 2 sign stamped onto the minutes.
  • Sell-side copying bills related 1 may sign a confirmation of legal representative and stamped record to assign to the buyer.
  • A copy of the invoice related 1 is signed and stamped will be used to do the accounting, tax declaration and tax settlement for business.

TH3: Handle missing bills related 2 related to party Tuesday

If there are side Tuesday related to the loss of the bill need to define 3rd party is due to buyer or the seller hired to determine how to handle as well as sanctions.

3rd party is any party rental, then it will have to be responsible for the handling of lost bill.

Download sample memorandum of lost bills related 2 input

Below is a sample memorandum of lost invoices are issued and latest updates. Includes 2 templates

Model 1: minutes lose invoice confirmation between the buyer and the seller


Model 2: the minutes take the invoice sent to the tax agency

Mẫu biên bản mất hóa đơn theo thông tư 39


>>> Refer to the sample minutes of other popular:

Specified level of sanctions when losing bills

According to him, private 176/2 th016/TT-BTC, the penalty of losing bills related 2 input will be from 4.000.000 VNĐ to 8.000.000 VNĐ. Specific:

Case is warning

The case of loss due to fire damage (except bill link 2) when there are natural disasters, fire, force majeure events if you have the declaration, tax payment, and documents to clear the goods for sale will slightly reduce the fines or no fines if there are from 2 details above.

Losing incorrect invoice, and this invoice has been removed, there are other bills instead, it is only a warning.

Fine case of

  • A fine of between 3 - 5 million contract with the behavior:

Loss, fire damage, invoice related 2 set while using bills if there are extenuating circumstances as there are records, documents proving buying and selling goods and services.

The buyer lost the bill and has a written explanation about the loss of the bill between the two sides noted the work.

  • Fines from 4 - 8 million contract with the following cases:

Losing bills issued by the tax authority released but not yet in progress invoicing.

Losing bills related to 2 has been set but not yet the tax declaration, the stakeholders making explanations about the loss of the bill noted the work.

Why dehydration bill occurred popular?

Lost status invoice occurs frequently is that the business use the invoice paper. When receiving the invoice from the seller, the accounting will be stored in filing cabinets and enter data into the computer for tracking.

Biên bản mất hóa đơn

This has limitations led to the loss of the bill as:

  • Over the years, bill increasingly more storage space too download easily lead to a situation of lost bill.
  • Accounting forget not store bills into cabinets or condition occurred, burnt, damaged by weevil circle.
  • This may cause inconvenience in the lookup when making settlement or explanations when you check from the tax authority.

Solution treated condition, lost bills, the most effective

Can find that paper bill not only create many troubles during use, which also causes dehydration bills due to traditional storage. When the event fires will be vulnerable to fire damage and can't be recovered.

The optimal solution today to solve this situation is to use electronic invoice Vietnam.. With electronic invoices, all the data is stored on the cloud system. The bill or data will not lose in case of fire, flood or termite damage bill. Besides, electronic bill brings a lot of different benefits for businesses, such as:

  • Lookup invoicing easy and automatic
  • Create invoice rapidly through the tax code\
  • The data is backup, backup, continuous 
  • High security with verified safety class 2.
  • Transactions sent invoice for customers to easily convenient
  • The data accurate and automatic on accounting software.
  • Reporting clear transparent.
>>> May interest you:

The record takes the bill is always a concern for businesses, by when the invoice is lost, the business is not only faced with legal risks, but also to take time and effort to make a record, explanations according to the regulations. This process can be complicated, easily lead to errors if not handled timely.

LV eInvoice help business reduce these concerns by providing automation tools minuted lost bills, help the process takes place quickly, accuracy, strict compliance with the legal regulations. Thanks to this, the business can solve the problem of losing bill in an efficient, optimal. Experience LV eInvoice to process troubleshooting lose invoice becomes more simple!


Management software electronic invoice LV eInvoice fully integrated features from invoicing, number, storage, to automatically send invoices to customers in just a few seconds. System high security level of company shares information, Lac Viet ensure that all corporate data is securely protected

Benefits of using software electronic invoice LV e-Invoice includes:

  • Don't cost the cost of printing, storing papers
  • Automatically create, digitally sign, send and store invoices
  • Complete the process to issue bills in few seconds
  • Always updated according to the legal regulations latest
  • Flexible integration with the accounting system and ERP
  • Easy to use for all users
  • Technology advanced encryption protect your data before any risk of loss

With LV e-Invoicemanaging invoices has never been easier. Let us accompany you on your journey of corporate culture, creating sustainable value. Choose Vietnam - Choose the reliable and top quality.

Contact AccNet to get detailed advice on manage electronic invoice and answer questions related to the minutes lost bills in this article, okay. Hope the information in the article to bring more accounting knowledge useful for business. 


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