Declare tax business the obligation of the business for state every year. Today, with the improvement in the implementation process, the filing of tax has been implemented through the electronic form and get a lot of positive feedback. Track articles of AccNet to learn clear about the rules and procedures declare for business in 2022 and early 2023 latest.

1. Declare tax what is the business?

Declare tax business is the act of the taxpayer presents the data, the profile is related to the obligation to pay tax to the tax authority.  Meanwhile, taxpayers have the obligation and responsibility to declare fully and accurately the content according to the form which the finance Ministry has prescribed. The taxpayer responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information declared. khai báo thuế doanh nghiệp

2. The procedures need to do before performing declare tax for the first time

Process declare tax business need to undergo several stages and steps, with each government agency different. It is therefore necessary to follow a specific process, apparently to ensure every job is done fast and save time. khai báo thuế doanh nghiệp Here are 4 procedure which business you need to perform when tax declaration:

2.1 Open a bank account business

The first, taxpayers need to open a bank account business. The document should be prepared according to the requirements as follows:
  • Copy of the certificate of business registration
  • Copy papers attest to the person's personal representative on the law.
  • The decision to appoint accounting.
  • Copy documents for personal accounting in case the company has accounting
Note: all copy should be attested by the agency, the competent organization. Besides, for each bank will be working procedure is different, so business should first contact the bank to be able to proactively prepare documents as required.

2.2 register and buy digital signature to declare tax business

The registration and purchase of a digital signature is a very important step in the procedure declare tax business. Because today, most of the tax department will receive and work with the filings and tax money electronically. Today there are quite a lot of units offer digital signature different with varied prices. You should select the unit provides digital certificates that support technical credibility and the best. 

2.3 declare and pay tax

After you have completed the procedure to open a bank account and buy digital signature, businesses need to declare and pay tax. Businesses should note submitted on time to avoid penalties and deadlines as late as the last day of the month began operations.

2.4 Choice of form of declaration, the declaration of corporate tax

Declare tax business usually done in 2 common form below:

2.4.1 form declaration of corporate INCOME tax, invoicing, tax, VAT

  • Duration declare tax business
Businesses can choose 1 of 2 form tax declaration that is directly and deduction. Typically, there will be 2 states tax declaration by month or by quarter, but for the new business establishment required to declare quarterly. Time delay to pay tax according to you is the 30th day of the first month following quarter. Such as, the business was founded on 27/8/2022 then filed later than the date on 30/10/2022.
  • Declaration of indirect taxes
To be able to choose is the type of invoice matching, you first need to determine the method declaration and tax compliance. Then, contact the credibility to be able to receive electronic invoices. When bill electronic business need to announce the release of the bill to avoid a penalty.
  • Tax declaration directly
With the form of the tax declaration according to bill you can choose method of direct tax. Once there, you need to up department could manage to complete the purchase bill of sale this. Also for form CIT, businesses do not need to submit a declaration. You can rely on the results of operations, production and business to advance and go to pay tax.

2.4.2 form of accounting, depreciation of fixed assets

To perform declare tax business, first, need to determine the scale of the business from which to select the mode of proper accounting. In case, the business can scale, medium and small, then use the accounting circular 133, also big business shall apply in circular 200. After selecting the mode, proper accounting of, next you need to register method of depreciation of fixed assets (fixed assets). As circular 45/2013/TT-BTC was specified, then the business must decide on the method and duration depreciation of fixed assets and notified to the tax authority directly before starting implementation.

3. Make tax declaration, annual corporate

Every year, businesses must undertake to declare and pay taxes more taxes for the government. So where are the taxes that businesses need to file?

3.1 corporate taxes need to perform declaration of the year

In business process, business is obliged to pay a lot of taxes. The taxes that business must pay each year include:
  • Fees anal lesson
  • CIT
  • Value added tax
  • Personal income tax
  • Tax resources
  • Excise tax
  • Import
Business need to pay the tax due date to avoid risk in business and facing law enforcement agencies.

3.2 tax returns, business details 2022

Each type of tax will have time limits as well as distinct characteristics, follow up article of AccNet to better understand each type of tax. khai báo thuế doanh nghiệp

3.2.1 Declare tax

An excise tax is a tax required constant is that the business must submit to the state budget. The following is some information on that on that business needs note: Time limit pay excise 2022
  • The slowest is on 30/01 every year.
  • In the case of new business production activities, trading or newly established business premises, then submit free license no later than the last day of the time limit for filing fees.
The filing free tax
  • Private enterprise can charter capital/investment of over 10 billion, the filing is 3,000,000 per year.
  • Private enterprise can charter capital/capital investment of less than 10 billion, then the submission is 500,000/year.
  • For representative offices, affiliates, business locations, business units and international organizations, other then the submission is 1,000,000/year.

3.2.2 Declare business income tax

The deadline for submission of corporate INCOME tax 
  • The deadline for submission of INCOME tax interim quarterly: no later than the last day of the month of the next quarter has incurred obligations tax.
  • The deadline for submission of preliminary settlement tax year: Late is the last day of the 3rd month from the end of the calendar year or financial year.
How to calculate corporate income tax have the formula as follows: Corporate income tax should submit = (taxable income for the period) * (Tax rate). In particular, the tax rate used to calculate the corporate INCOME tax is typically 20%. With respect to the activity in the field of mining in Vietnam, so does the tax rate is 32% – 50%. In addition, to promote development of a number of certain professions, the tax rate of the industry which can be 10%.

3.2.3 declaration of value added tax

The term establishment declaration form and send to tax authorities
  • The deadline to declare VAT in January: the latest on the 20th of the month following the month incurred.
  • The deadline to declare quarterly VAT: the latest on the 30th day of the quarter following the quarter incurred obligations tax.
The submission form
  • Submit declare tax business directly at the tax authority.
  • Sent through the postal.
  • Filed via electronic transactions (electronic portal of the tax authorities).

3.2.4 Declare taxes on personal income tax

The deadline for filing personal income tax
  • For the record settlement tax year: slowest is the last day of the 3rd month, the end date of the calendar year or financial year.
  • For the record settlement tax for individuals tax settlement directly: at least the 4th month from the end of the calendar year.
  • For households and individuals, business tax payment according to the method of exchange: the latest on the day 15/12 of years ago.
Article 13 of the Decree 125/2020/ND-CP regulating, depending on the case of delayed completion which can be punished with a warning or a fine with a minimum of 2 million and the maximum is 25 million. Therefore, businesses and individuals need to comply with the provisions of the law to avoid punishment is not deserved.

3.2.5 declaration excise tax

The term tax return
  • For the case of declaration by month: the latest on the 20th day of the following month.
  • For each arises: Within 10 days from the date of the tax obligations.
Objects need to report the excise tax
  • Business to produce goods and services business subject to excise duty.
  • Personal, business, business directory purchases not paid the excise tax, but then re-sold in countries that do not export.
  • Businesses produce goods subject to special income tax and sales through affiliated entities, agents, or consignment sales.

4. How to declare tax business online fast

The deployment and application methods declare tax online through the Website's e-Tax has help taxpayers save the majority of the time, the cost. Besides, through electronic tax which tax authorities can manage your profile and rigorously more efficient. Following AccNet will guide in detail how to declare tax business online:
  • Step 1: log into the Tax System of the General department of Taxation
Connect the digital signature and the computer. Visit the website Giao diện Web Thuế điện tử   Select Business > Sign in > enter the account information > click the login button. thông tin đăng nhập
  • Step 2: sign up the declaration you need to submit
Select category tax > press select register declarations > continue to choose to sign up for more declarations. Hover down and find the declaration business need to file.  The squares next to the name of the declaration required to submit > select Continue > click on Accept.
  • Step 3: Download the declaration XML system
Choose tax > press select Submit a declaration to the XML Click to select the Select declaration, then load the declaration was saved in the computer system.
  • Step 4: Submit a declaration
Select Sign electronics > enter the pin > and then select Submit declarations. nộp tờ khai báo thuế
  • Step 5: research results
To lookup results declared tax business you select the tax > declarations selecting the declaration research is needed. Then, select the lookup and the result declaration will be out the bottom immediately. To the production and business of business is favorable, the enterprise needs to understand and abide by the provisions of the law on declare tax business. Wish that through your posts AccNetbusinesses can understand the processes, procedures, tax returns and avoid errors or loss cost. ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE ACCNET CLOUD  Address: 23 Nguyen Thi Huynh, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District Hotline: 0901 555 063 Website: Mail: