In business, revenue is the vital factor. Revenue higher business as there are many opportunities to develop and expand the scale. How to revenue growth sustainable? The answer lies in the accounting department sales details. So accounting what is merchandising? Today, inviting you along Accnet find out about job/task/service/process/accounting of accounting revenue - an arm invaluable help decision to the success or failure of the business in this article!  

1. Accounting what is merchandising?

Accounting sales (accounting, revenue) is the department responsible for management/recording transactions related to sales, a source of money in sales. Accounting in the sales focus to solve the following tasks:

  • Export bill of sale.
  • Recorded in accounting books, cost of sales, general sales,...
  • Reported according to the other requirements of the business.

Accounting revenue department is to the managers make decisions on accurate business with the important role such as:

  • Provides detailed information about sales, financial situation, support construction management business strategy. 
  • Report details the disparity between production, sales, to propose necessary adjustments. 
  • Record, analyze the cost of sales to propose solutions to optimize costs. 
  • Reporting inventory quantity, value, helps control inventory. 
  • Ensure compliance with safety regulations, consumer protection, protecting the rights of clients in sales activity.

Kế toán bán hàng là gì

2. Work/basic tasks of sales accounting

The task of accounting for revenues in the enterprise to ensure the effective and transparent financial management, sales. Here are some of the main tasks of the accounting details of the sale:

  • Updates price, the number of goods.
  • Manage your bills, vouchers related.
  • Inventory, update the data.
  • Track debt situation.
  • Set up the sales report.

2.1. Accounting jobs sales is the update selling price, the number of goods

Accounting details, sales responsible for the update selling price, the number of goods and products new to the accounting software. When there is a change in the selling price, the accountant should promptly notify the relevant department.

2.2. Manage invoices and receipts related to business sales

Business casual encounter in accounting revenue is the invoice management input, the output of the business to ensure the accuracy, completeness of information bill.

  • Export bill of sale.
  • Updates & track sales daily.
  • Enter the material number to purchase sales.
  • Calculate the trade discount or rebate payments to customers (if available)..
công việc/nghiệp vụ của kế toán bán hàng

2.3. Accounting duties sales is inventory updates figures goods in stock

Accounting revenue in coordination with accounting, warehouse, warehouse to inventory goods inventory, determine the exact amount of real goods inventory of the business. 

  • Collate the number of inventory realistic with the amount of inventory to detect, timely processing of errors on the number of goods inventory.
  • Update the quantity inventory with reality to help accounting details, track sales, manage your inventory the most accurate.
  • Reporting metrics for sale – purchase of the day to analyze the business situation of enterprises.

2.4. Accounting jobs sales are tracking debt situation, sales

Combined with accounting for revenues, liabilities accounting to statistics on public debt, debt collection, money management restaurant overall, comprehensive.

  • Actively Participate in planning the recovery of the debt to urge customers timely payment.
  • Money management debtors, track details of each customer, the shipment, the amount of money, cheap debt, the time limit, the situation repayment of the guests to take measures timely processing.

2.5. Accounting-reporting sales figures

Report the sale catalogue out, including the items were sold out, including the item name, quantity sold, price, revenue,... 

  • Report receivables, including customer name, amount owed, payment term,... 
  • Report on the use of financial bills, such as the number of bills were used, the number of bills remaining inventory,... 

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3. Process sales accounting in business

Process work in accounting, revenue is process chain professional, specifically includes the following steps:

Step 1: receiving/processing of orders/contracts

  • Accounting details sales receipt of orders or contracts from sales staff or sales office.
  • For the amount of inventory is not enough to meet demand, accounting report back to staff sales consultant or cancel orders.
  • If inventory full, the accounting establishment request, cumshot, inventory, invoice, then transferred to the warehouse for shipment.

Step 2: Export warehouse and delivery process

  • The stock goods based on the votes required stock from accounting sales.
  • Detailed accounting, sales invoicing, vouchers related, then transfer them to the clerk for delivery to the customer.

Step 3: accounting, business sales

  • Detailed accounting sales accounting sales professional into window aggregate, window related details.
  • For the business service provider, after the client pay or accept payment, accounting, invoicing, accounting, business economics arising from services provided.

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4. How accounting sales accounting standards most 2024

Please read the description overview of the steps accounting details sales today:

  • Delivery method at the warehouse.
  • The method of shipping.
  • Installment payments.
  • The method of reduction of sales revenue.
  • Method of sales through dealers have roses.

4.1. Accounting according to the method of delivery at the warehouse

+ Determine the cost price of products have consumed:

  • Debt accounts 632: cost of goods sold for the record amount of money needed to pay for the price of capital goods.
  • Have an account 155, 1561: Value finished products and goods for sale to record the cost of production of the product was consumed.

+ Recorded sales revenue:

  • Debt accounts, 111, 112, 131: the Total price paid to record the total value of payments from customers.
  • Have an account 511: sales revenue is price without VAT to revenue recognition from the sale.
  • Have an account 3331: VAT payable output to acknowledge the amount of VAT payable to the tax authorities.

4.2. Accounting sales according to the method of delivery

+ Reflects the price of capital goods sent for sale:

  • Debt accounts 632: cost of goods sold to the recorded value of the goods has been delivered (price of capital).
  • Have an account 157: Goods sent for sale to reduce the value of the goods in the ledger.

+ Reflect revenue:

  • Debt accounts, 111, 112, 131: the Total price paid to record the total value of payment from the buyer.
  • Have an account 511: sales revenue is price without VAT to revenue recognition from the sale.
  • Have an account 3331: VAT payable output to acknowledge the amount of VAT payable to the tax authorities.

4.3. Accounting sales according to the method of deferred payment, installment

+ Determine the price of stock of finished products, goods have consumed:

  • TK 632: cost of goods sold, used to reflect the value of products, goods and services have consumed in the states.
  • TK 155, 1561: Value finished products, goods for sale, used to reflect the value of products and commodities were sold in the states.

+ Reflect revenue sales pay now:

  • TK 111 - Cash: this account is used to reflect the existing situation, volatility of cash in the funds of the enterprise.
  • TK 112 - bank deposits: this account is used to reflect the existing situation fluctuations of bank deposits of the business.
  • TK 511 - sales service provider: this account is used to reflect sales revenue, providing services actually incurred in the period, including sales of goods and sales offers service, sales, installments, deferred...
  • TK 3387 - unrealized revenue: this account is used to reflect sales installment sales deferred, has not obtained the money in the states, which are allocated gradually according to the collection period.
  • TK 3331 - VAT payable: this account is used to reflect the amount of VAT payable to The state under the provisions of the current legislation.

+ When the money is collected sales (principal + interest), or collecting money sales next:

  • Debt TK 111, 112 is reflected proceeds from the customer for the amount of principal and interest installments, deferred.
  • Have TK 131 is a reflection of the amount receivable by customer with respect to the principal amount of, interest on installment or deferred rest.

+ The transferred interest deferred sales with a buyer payment:

  • Debt TK 3387 is to reflect the interest on installment or deferred allocation in the states.
  • Have TK 515 is reflected revenue from financial activities.

hạch toán kế toán bán hàng

4.4. Accounting the account reduces sales revenue

(*) Arising discount, trade discount sales:

When there is trade discount or reduction in the price of sale:

  • Debt accounts 521 (5211, 5213): Remember price is not VAT.
  • Debt account 3331: reduced VAT.
  • Have the account 111, 112, 131...: Remember the price paid.

The move reduced turnover in the accounting sales:

  • Debt accounts 511: sales revenue, service provider.
  • Have an account 5211, 5213: Reduced revenue.

(*) Note on accounting payment discount when sales:

+ In case of not paying the purchase money, enjoy discount payment:

  • Debt account 111, 112: the amount obtained.
  • Debt accounts 635: Number of discount customers enjoy.
  • Have an account 131: the ratio Of debt to income customers.

+ If the customer has paid in advance, enjoy the discount:

  • Debt accounts 635: Number of discount customers enjoy.
  • Have an account 111, 112: the discount you are entitled to.

(*) Accountant sales returns:

+ Every bounce has identified as consumption:

  • Debt accounts, 155, 156: Finished goods is returned.
  • Have an account 157: Goods in transit.

+ Every bounce was defined as consumption:

Upon receipt of the goods sold, income stock:

  • Debt accounts, 155, 156: Finished goods is returned.
  • Have an account 632: cost of goods sold.

Reflecting the turnover of sales returns:

  • Debt accounts 521 (5212): sales returns (sale price hasn VAT).
  • Debt account 3331: reduced VAT of every bounce.
  • Have the account 111, 112, 131...: Remember the price paid.

+ Costs incurred related to be accounted for in cost of sales:

  • Debt accounts 641: Cost of sales.
  • Debt accounts 133: VAT deductible.
  • Have the account 111, 112, 131: Record the price paid.

+ End move up revenue:

  • Debt accounts 511: sales revenue, service provider.
  • Have an account 5212: Reduced revenue.

4.5. Accounting sales through agents are commission

(*) Accountant in the delivery unit agent:

+ When stock products send agents:

  • When stock products send agents unit, debit account 157 (consignment sale), there are accounts, 155, 156 to reduce the product value in the ledger.

+ When the goods were sold by dealer:

  • Debt accounts, 111, 112, 131... to record the value of the payment from the agent.
  • Have an account 511 to reflect revenue sales service provider.
  • Have an account 3331 to record the amount of VAT payable.
  • Debt accounts 632 (cost of goods sold), which account 157 (Goods sent for sale) to reflect the cost price of goods sold.

+ Reflect the amount of commission payable to agents:

  • When paying commissions to agents, accountants, debit account, 641 (Cost of sales), debt accounts 133 (Tax VAT is deducted), along with the account 111, 112, 131... to record the value of the payment.

(*) Accountant in receiver unit agent, the price is right commission:

+ When receiving goods sold by dealer

  • Upon receipt of goods sold from dealer accounting sales debit the account 111, 112, 131... to reflect the value of the payment to the agent.

+ Periodically, when determining the revenue commission:

  • Periodically, when determining the revenue commissions from sales agents, accountants, debit account, 331 (to be paid To seller), no account 511 to reflect revenue sales service provider. If yes, record the VAT account 3331.

+ When to pay sales agent for delivery:

  • When paying sales agents, accountants, debit account, 331 (to be paid To seller), have the account 111, 112 to reflect the value of the payment.

Cách hạch toán kế toán bán hàng

5. General knowledge important profession in accounting revenue

To help accountants understand the rules in business accounting sales, Accnet will share specific examples for each rule:

5.1. Principle revenue recognition sales 

Sales revenue is recorded when the ownership of goods or services is transferred to customers, with the proceeds to be determined accurately.

For example: Company A sells goods to customer B on 1/7. Goods are delivered to the customer, the bill of sale be set up right in that day. Total invoice value is 10,000,000 VNĐ. Revenue 10,000,000 VNĐ will be recorded in the accounting books on 1/7, though customers pay money later on 10/7.

5.2. Accrual rules

Cost/revenue related to sales transactions are recorded at the time of the transaction arises, does not depend on the time of collection or expenditure of money.

For example: Company C purchase from supplier D on 20/7. Goods are received and receipt establishment right in the day. Total order value is 5,000,000 VND. Cost 5,000,000 VNĐ will be recorded in the accounting books of the company C on 20/7, as soon as goods are received into inventory, although company C payment to suppliers D after on 25/7.

5.3. Principle of consistency in accounting sales

Method of accounting made consistent through the accounting period.

For example: Company E has made policy discount for paying customers soon. In the accounting period must apply this policy consistently to ensure transparency in the recognition of revenue/cost.

5.4. Principles caution

Professional accounting sales need to apply the principle of caution when recorded the account, discount, reserves for bad debts.

For example: Company F has a policy of providing the discount to the customers who purchase in bulk. When recorded discounting this accounting must be based on the evidence from valid, clearly identify the causes discount (as number of purchases). This helps ensure accuracy and avoid the legal risks in the future.

6. Accounting application revenue easy with software AccNet Cloud

AccNet Cloud is a software solution for accounting, modern, flexible, business support, manage every aspect of the accounting process sales details with ease and efficiency.

Accounting software AccNet Cloud provides many advanced features to meet the needs of management accounting details sales of the business. Software is also appreciated for security, reliability.

If you are looking for a solution accounting software sales modern, effective, please contact AccNet Cloud today!

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Vietnam believe that mastering the knowledge about sales accounting what is skills will help you become a detailed accounting sales professionals to meet the job requirements. Wish you success!


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