Software name  Lookup and invoice bulk Released invoice on any device Free/Paid (VND) User reviews
Lac Viet Accnet ✔️ ✔️ Only from 140.000 (Contact) 5
MISA Meinvoice ✔️ ✔️ 450.000 to 30,000,000 5
E-Invoice ✔️ ✔️ 150,000 to 1.800.000 5
VNPT Invoice ✔️ 390.000 to 4.680.000  4
MobiFone Invoice ✔️ ✔️ 270.000 to 150,000,000 and 4
Wininvoice ✔️ ✔️ 440.000 to 8.250.000 4
Cyber Bill ✔️ ✔️ 380.000 to 5.800.000 4
Sinvoice ✔️ 143.000 to 8.294.000 3
Hilo Invoice ✔️ ✔️ 150,000 to 9.500.000 3
New-Invoice ✔️ ✔️ 230.000 to 6.369.000 3
VINA ✔️ 150,000 to 4.000.000 3
Amnote ✔️ 320.000 to 6.200.000 3
iHOADON 130,000 to 4.200.000 2
Easyinvoice ✔️ 300.000 - 3.000.000 VND 3

Hệ thống phần mềm quản lý xuất hóa đơn điện tử đầu vào

In the era of continuous development of technology, the switch number in the field of business, the execution of the transaction, document management also becomes easier than ever before. A somewhat easier in this process is the application of software invoice electronic – a tool to help businesses optimize processes, save time, resources, as well as promote the conversion number. In this article, you let Accnet will refer to should you buy the software management bill electronic input how to find the best in the digital age, turns today!

>> Might interest you:

1. Definition software invoice electronic

Software management bill electronic input is an application technology that is designed to create new ones; import bills, input, output; send invoices by electronic data instead of using paper bills. Type this bill will be traded online via your computer, phone quickly compared to the procedure of traditional invoice. Some features include:

  • Create invoices on products, services, prices
  • Storage bills securely on the cloud
  • Send invoices directly to customers through email
  • Easy access, search bill

2. Should buy management software, invoice input, how?

Here are the top 14 system management software bill electronic input 5-staris the user using the most current:

  1. Lac Viet Accnet
  2. MISA Meinvoice
  3. E-Invoice
  4. VNPT Invoice
  5. MobiFone Invoice
  6. Wininvoice
  7. Cyberbill
  8. Sinvoice
  9. Hilo Invoice
  10. New-Invoice
  11. VINA
  12. Amnote
  13. iHOADON
  14. Easyinvoice

2.1. Software management bill electronic input Vietnam Accnet

AccNet is proud product is fully integrated with the financial system business. Not only help synchronize transaction information with tax authorities, which also connect the departments in the business. Integrated this helps to reduce errors, optimize internal processes, creating the foundation for the effective link between the business activities. The salient features of Lac Viet Accnet include: 

  • Help create and manage convenient: With friendly interface, easy to use, AccNet allows users to create, manage your bills in a convenient way. The custom features to help create the invoice template suitable for many kinds of different deals. The process to create, send, track, bill becomes simple and efficient.
  • Integrated electronic signature: One of the strong points of AccNet is integrated, electronic signatures help ensure the accuracy and legal status of the bill. Not only saves time, effort compared with the print and sign the invoice paper, but also to ensure the credibility of the transaction.
  • Security and safety: AccNet meet the security, safety information, transaction data, customer data by providing the ability to encrypt data, help users peace of mind about privacy.
  • Measurement efficiency: Features, track invoices, financial statements, ability to customize according to your business needs help you understand the financial situation and business performance.

Phần mềm quản lý xuất hóa đơn điện tử đầu vào


2.2. Software bill electronic input MISA MeInvoice

MISA MeInvoice is a software company's shares MISA. The salient features include:

  • Full compliance with the professional requirements in Decree no. 51/2010/ND-CP, Decree 04/2014/ND-CP, the text guide (circular 32/2011/TT-BTC and circular no. 39/2014/TT-BTC,... ), ready to meet Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, circular 78/2021/TT-BTC.
  • Users have the ability to release, management reports, bills anytime, anywhere via mobile devices, web pages, desktop.
  • Using blockchain technology to ensure the safety, security, prevent the condition from fake bills.
mua phần mềm quản lý xuất hóa đơn điện tử đầu vào

2.3. Management system invoice electronic input E-Invoice

E-Invoice so The company developed technology Thai Son building according to the Decree 119/2018/ND-CP, circular 68/2019/TT-BTC, the Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, circular 78/2021/TT-BTC. The basic functions include:

  • Integrated transmit and receive the data from SAP, ERP, CRM,...
  • No need to invest in large infrastructure, help save costs.
  • Fits many models of different business.
  • Customers are involved in the process of developing the solution that fits his needs.
  • Have a team of experienced professionals, ready to support business 24/24.
mua phần mềm quản lý xuất hóa đơn điện tử đầu vào

2.4. Management software, invoice input VNPT Invoice

VNPT Invoice was brought to life by VNPT group, it is located in a 15-product solutions existing technology of VNPT. The outstanding benefits of the product when businesses choose buy software electronic invoice VNPT, including:

  • Create invoice (if client request invoice printing out paper).
  • Release invoice for customers through portal email.
  • Storage bills (electronic storage with low cost)
phần mềm xuất hóa đơn điện tử
VNPT Invoice

2.5. System management bill input MobiFone Invoice

MobiFone Invoice belonging to the Telecommunications corporation MobiFone certified by the directorate General of Tax. The salient features of software invoice electronic this includes: 

  • Exchange, receive invoice information with The Tax authorities according to the requirements of the Decree 123/ND-CP.
  • Manage the create invoice with or without the information of the tax code, error handling, general bills.
  • Template library rich, diverse, have the ability to meet all kinds of bills peculiarities related to every industry.
  • Provide intuitive explanation all information related to the tax bill.
phần mềm quản lý xuất hóa đơn điện tử đầu vào
MobiFone Invoice

2.6. Software management bill electronic input Wininvoice

Wininvoice is technology products of the company WIN-TECH. Products are developed based on the following features:

  • Solved the situation, issuing bills of revenue, tax report.
  • Simple interface, easy to create, transfer, store bill.
  • Establish connection with all the accounting software, sales management, other
  • Release, storage bill in 10 years with the absolute security.
mua phần mềm quản lý hóa đơn đầu vào

2.7. Management system invoice electronic input Cyberbill

Software bill electronic input CyberBill is the product of supplier, NewCA. The benefits received when using, as follows:

  • Fully meet the requirements of the bill online.
  • Administration from any location, anytime, on any device.
  • Direct connection with the General department of Taxation, banking, electronic integrated digital signature software, accounting software, software sales...
phần mềm quản lý hóa đơn điện tử đầu vào

2.8. Management software, invoice maker, electronic Sinvoice

Sinvoice under telecom group Viettel. Benefits when using Sinvoice as follows:

  • Businesses can release thousands of invoices each day
  • S-Invoice using multi-layer security technology to ensure absolute safety
  • Viettel can center IT, ready to deploy, integrate, according to requirements, ongoing support 24/7.
  • The ability to link with several types of accounting software, sales management, business.
  • Use multiple sync services on the infrastructure of Viettel
mua phần mềm quản lý xuất hóa đơn điện tử đầu vào

2.9. System software Hilo Invoice

Management software, invoice maker, electronic input Hilo-Invoice is a specialized program created by corporation service T-VALVE HILO, with the basic features are as follows:

  • Create, issue invoices quickly 
  • Support create, issue an invoice that uses the digital signature of the business.
  • Easy to adjust, replace, delete invoice 
  • The ability to combine data from many different software: CRM software, accounting software, ERP,...
  • Automatically switch to the latest version if the privacy policy changes.
  • Full report on the invoice, customer, revenue, data import on tax preparation software...
phần mềm quản lý xuất hóa đơn điện tử đầu vào
Hilo Invoice

2.10. System software New-Invoice

Software management bill electronic input New-Invoice developed by the corporation bill online New-Invoice, with the following advantages:

  • Full compliance with the requirements of circular 32/2011/TT-BTC and circular no. 39/2014/TT-BTC, the Decree 119/2018/ND-CP, circular 68/2019/TT-BTC, the Decree 123/2020 /ND-CP.
  • The New app-Invoice safety, security, prevention of counterfeit bills.
  • Print invoice import, storage anytime, anywhere
hệ thống quản lý hóa đơn điện tử

2.11. Management software, invoice maker, electronic VINA

VINA founded by joint stock company commercial software service VINA. The outstanding benefits, including: 

  • Invoices online may cost only half a paper bill.
  • Invoices online is not adversely affected due to fire should minimize storage costs.
  • Invoices online be printed on A4 paper, stamp, sign
  • No need to install, access digital invoice directly from the home page.
hệ thống quản lý hóa đơn điện tử

2.12. Software Amnote

System management software bill electronic input Amnote belonging co., LTD. NC9 Vietnam. The main functions include: 

  • The transition from paper invoices to bills online take place quickly.
  • Create bills of his own in the custom format.
  • Unlimited number of invoices
  • Support the services related to invoices: Create invoices, edit, replace, delete, adjust discount
  • Our client portfolio is the link to help select the information quickly to create new customers.
  • Sign easy multiple invoices
  • Manage the sending invoices to customers through email.
hệ thống quản lý hóa đơn điện tử

2.13. Management system invoice electronic iHOADON-EFY

System management software bill electronic input iHOADON-EFY is one of the products of the company EFY Vietnam. The benefit highlights include:

  • Easy accounting, export data declarations.
  • Combine data with the management software business (CRM, ERP...), accounting software, sales management...
  • Reduce printing costs.
  • Reduce the time payment for the invoice is sent, received through electronic means.
  • Create invoices based on the peculiarities of the business, actively promoting the brand of the unit on the invoice.
Phần mềm xuất hóa đơn điện tử

2.14. Software management bill electronic input Easyinvoice

EasyInvoice is a product of the technology company Softdreams. Characteristics impressed when businesses use the software, include:

  • Complete the business related to bill according to the Decree 123/2020/ND-CP, circular 78/2021/TT-BTC.
  • Solve all the problems related to the bill, including paperwork, revenue management, electronic accounting, reporting, tax declaration.
  • Simple interface, easy to create, transfer, store bill.
  • Combined with all the software available to financial management
  • Ensure security 10 years of safety.
  • Full support when export bills online with the Tax authorities
  • Handle the problems in the process of deploying software 24/7.
phần mềm quản lý xuất hóa đơn điện tử đầu vào
>>> Read more articles on the same theme:

3. Benefits of using software system invoice electronic input

  • Save time/cost: Minimize the time invoice processing by automated processes to create, release, send invoices. Instead of having to print, send by mail, the user just few taps on the computer to complete this process. Save the cost of printing, paper, ink, free post.
  • Ensure transparency: The bill was released comply with the legal regulations, ensure transparency in the transactions, to help businesses avoid legal risks, enhance reputation in the eyes of customers.
  • Increased security: Stop the fake bills, protect the financial information of the business. Integrated features backup/restore data, avoid data loss due to a technical issue.
  • Easily manage/lookup invoice: The invoice is stored in the system, quick search by many different criteria such as the bill, release date, customer name, etc. to Help businesses save time finance manager

4. Buy software management bill electronic input where most prestigious?

Purchase management software electronic invoice The company's shares Information Vietnam will ensure credibility, the most reliable on the market today. With over 20 years of experience in the field of information technology, Vietnam has always been committed to quality and efficiency in the product software company. This is evidenced through:

  • Founded on 03/02/1994, company shares Information, Lac Viet is recognized as a provider of products, services, information technology, leading in Vietnam in the field
  • With a team of 500 employees, creativity, enthusiasm, Vietnam always on the forefront in bringing to the unique products, gadgets, reasonable price for customers. 
  • Technology, product innovation of English has brought benefits to many users, including students, staff, parents, business, education, public institutions.
  • Lac Viet is the gold partner of Microsoft in Vietnam, has implemented many projects based on Microsoft's solution, there are more than 50 experts are certified to the national level
  • Vietnam has partnered with hardware vendors to top the world: Vietnam is the exclusive distributor of Dell in Vietnam, HP partner, business partner of IBM, Gold supplier of Intel, partner of Cisco, APC, Krone, Bosch...

5. Criteria options software management bill electronic input standard

The use of software invoice electronic input quality should fully meet the criteria below to match the business objectives business:

  • Ensure legality: Must meet the legal requirements, including the Ministry of Finance, the General Department of Tax review, reviews, licensing activities. Businesses need to verify information about licensing from the General Department of Taxation or the relevant authorities. (>> Refer to: Circular 78 on electronic invoicing and the changes worth noting)
  • Full features: Have the ability to synchronize information, transaction of supply of goods and services with tax authorities, help the process of creation, invoice management become more convenient.
  • Stable quality: Stable operation during use, ensure businesses make the most of the features from the software without interruption.
  • Security: Management software, invoice input secure storage of transaction, product, time, customer information of the business.
  • Cost commensurate with quality: Consider the cost commensurate with the quality and benefits that brings software. Avoid falling into a state of shell out big money for a poor quality product, loss of time, cause worry about confidentiality.
nên mua phần mềm hóa đơn điện tử nào

6. Manual system software management bill electronic input

Stage use  Detailed instructions 
Stage 1: Installation initial configuration
  • Users need to download the software from website of the provider, proceed with the installation according to the instructions.
  • After install, create account, login to the system.
  • Enter the basic information of the business such as name, tax code, address, telephone number, email, etc.
  • Customize the invoice template according to your needs, including logo, contact information and other details.
Phase 2: Create/manage customer list
  • Enter customer information into the system, including name, tax code, address, telephone number, email, etc.
  • System management software, invoice maker, electronic allows users to search, edit, delete customer information easily.
  • To save time, the user can import your customer lists from Excel file into the system.
Stage 3: Establishment/release invoices
  • Select the client, enter the information about products/services, quantity, unit price, tax and other information to create invoices.
  • Register number/invoice issuance: After finish creating bills the user to sign out to ensure the legality, released invoice via email or other means.
  • Bill number is sent directly to the email of the customer/other channels that the customer requires.
Stage 4: tracking/invoice management has cumshot
  • Check the status of the invoice (sent, received, paid, etc.) through the system.
  • The invoice is stored on the system with security measures, backup periodically to ensure data safety.
  • Lookup the bill was, according to many criteria, cumshot, synthesis report on the situation of bills of the business.

Process basic operation of the management system invoice electronic Lac Viet Accnet

  • Step 1: Users online access to the system using the login information has been provided earlier
  • Step 2: After successful login, byou will see the main interface contains information general description the main function that management system, invoice number Accnet provided.
  • Step 3: You select the function to use to create new bills, see list of the bill, lookup bills or delete, edit bills.
  • Step 4: Users to enter specific information about new bills >>> Invoicing system number Accnet will check the legality of the bill before sending to the state tax authority >>> The valid invoice will be kept in the database. 
  • Step 7: Your access to the invoice as PDF and send an invoice via email to the customer.
  • Step 8: Sign out management system invoice electronic Accnet after completion of the work

7. The source of information and reference

  • The official website of the General department of Taxation Vietnam: Provides the rules/guidelines related to the bill number, the decrees and circulars on the bill number.
  • The company shares information, Lac Viet: Information from the software vendor's credibility LV-e
  • Journal of Financial: Research articles on the benefits, challenges/experience in implementing bill number.
  • Community business/accounting: The forum group, Facebook, LinkedIn, place of business/accounting can share experiences and support each other in the use of system management software electronic invoice.

>> Find out more the other related articles:

Software invoice electronic input AccNet is not merely a tool, which is a companion reliable for the development, optimization of business processes. With integrated,comprehensive bill electronic AccNet confidently assert its position as one of the leading solution in the field of management bills online. Contact Lac Viet tribes today according to the information below for detailed advice!

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  • The company shares Information, Lac Viet
  • Hotline: (+at 84.28 which) 3842 3333
  • Email: – Website:
  • Headquarters: 23 Nguyen Thi Huynh, P. 8, Q. Phu Nhuan, ho chi minh CITY. Ho Chi Minh