A minor deviations on the invoice, such as deviation of 1 copper, also can make many businesses wondering whether this could affect the validity of the bill, the tax rules or not? In fact, this is a condition not uncommon. This article AccNet will help you answer the question “bill deviation 1, are you ok?” by analyzing the detailed causes, risks, how to handle problems.

1. Bill deviation 1, are you ok?

1.1. Answer

Bill deviation 1 usually does not cause serious problems if the business can give clear explanations, causes, especially when the wrong number of incurred due to rounding or tax. However, businesses need to check, handled promptly.

Bill deviation 1 is phenomenal amount on the invoice does not coincide exactly with the actual amount of the transaction.

1.2. Causes of deviation 1 on bills

This discrepancy is usually happen in the following cases:

  • Invoice rounding: Total bill value after tax or split into sections payments may be rounded up/down. For example: rounding to the unit (do not display the decimal part).
  • Error VAT calculator: For example, when applying VAT to 10% on the value of goods/services has more decimal places, small errors can appear due to rounding.
  • Unit price multi-digit decimal number: VD: 99,9999 VND.
  • System rounding is not homogeneous: some systems do round step by step (unit price, amount, tax) instead of rounding the total value.
  • Enter data manually: When billed paper or enter data manually, accounting can accidentally recorded the wrong 1. This error is common in small businesses not to use electronic invoice
hóa đơn bị lệch 1 đồng có sao không

2. How to handle when the bill deviation 1

Step 1: Identify the cause deviation number on the invoice

Check the system software:

  • Collation rules rounding is applied in software electronic invoice.
  • Verify the calculation of VAT, in particular when the prices are decimal.

Compare with the contract and quote:

  • The information on the bill joint with payment terms in the contract.
  • Check out the stage payment (if the transaction is split).

Step 2: guide the invoice correction deviation 1

Establishment memorandum of agreement:

  • Business partners need to establish a memorandum of receive errors, uniformly adjusting bills.
  • This is the legal basis to make modifications, alternative bill.

Adjusted invoice:

  • With electronic invoicing: Access to software, select the function "adjust the bill," updates to the true value.
  • With paper bills: bill new replacement bills wrong, stating the reason for the adjustment on the invoice.

Declare tax adjustments: If the bill is deviation 1 has to declare tax, businesses need to submit a declaration complement to adjust the value to declare.

Step 3: the Solution prevention

  • Use software electronic invoice professional: software as LV eInvoice features automatic calculation, rounding regulations, to detect flaws before issuing the invoice.
  • The set up process check internal: Enterprises need to check all bills before the release, collated with the contract, quote.
  • Training staff accounting: advanced skill to use invoicing software, get to know the error as small as the wrong number of rounded, skewed tax.
Hóa đơn sai lệch 1 đồng có ảnh hưởng gì không?

3. Risks and consequences when bill deviation 1

3.1. Impact on the validity of the bill

Theo Nghị định 123/2020/NĐ-CP, hóa đơn phải đảm bảo đầy đủ, chính xác các thông tin liên quan đến giao dịch. Tuy nhiên, trong trường hợp hóa đơn bị lệch 1 đồng do sai số làm tròn/lỗi phần mềm, cơ quan thuế thường không coi đây là vi phạm nghiêm trọng nếu:

  • Wrong number does not change the nature of the transaction.
  • Businesses can explain the apparent cause deviations.

However, if the wrong number is not explaining properly, is discovered in audits, tax bills can be evaluated as invalid, leading to the risk of arrears of tax, penalty administration.

3.2. Bill deviation 1 affect accounting, tax declaration

Bill skewed though only 1 can still cause many problems in the process of accounting, tax declaration:

  • Deviation VAT report: When the total invoice value deviation compared with actual data, electronic tax systems can error warning or require adjustment.
  • Deviations in bookkeeping: accounting will encounter difficulties when comparing data between bills, contracts, affecting the financial reporting.
  • The risk of tax authorities to check: If the business does not remedied promptly, the tax authority may conduct detailed inspection to verify.
Chênh lệch 1 đồng trên hóa đơn có gây rắc rối không?

4. Data analysis the real state bill deflection at the Vietnam business

Bill deviation 1 is a common condition in the invoicing process at many businesses in Vietnam. According to statistics from the General administration of the Tax year 2023:

  • About 8% of electronic invoicing arising wrong number of small, mainly due process of rounding heterogeneity between the software and invoice.
  • Almost 12% of small and medium enterprises have difficulty in adjusting bills when errors are detected.
  • 5% business is tax arrears of bills invalid, in which case related to wrong round number.

“Hóa đơn bị lệch 1 đồng có sao không?” tuy là một vấn đề nhỏ nhưng có thể gây ra những rủi ro lớn nếu không được xử lý đúng cách. Việc xác minh nguyên nhân, điều chỉnh kịp thời, áp dụng các giải pháp là chìa khóa để hóa đơn luôn hợp lệ. Trải nghiệm AccNet eInvoice ngay hôm nay để hóa đơn của doanh nghiệp không bị sai lệch!


Phần mềm quản lý hóa đơn điện tử AccNet eInvoice tích hợp đầy đủ các tính năng từ lập hóa đơn, ký số, lưu trữ, cho đến việc tự động gửi hóa đơn đến khách hàng chỉ trong vài giây. Hệ thống bảo mật cao cấp đảm bảo mọi dữ liệu của doanh nghiệp được bảo vệ an toàn

Lợi ích khi sử dụng phần mềm hóa đơn điện tử AccNet eInvoice bao gồm:

  • Don't cost the cost of printing, storing papers
  • Automatically create, digitally sign, send and store invoices
  • Complete the process to issue bills in few seconds
  • Always updated according to the legal regulations latest
  • Flexible integration with the accounting system and ERP
  • Easy to use for all users
  • Technology advanced encryption protect your data before any risk of loss

With AccNet eInvoice, việc quản lý hóa đơn chưa bao giờ dễ dàng hơn thế. Hãy để chúng tôi đồng hành cùng bạn trong hành trình số hóa doanh nghiệp, tạo ra giá trị bền vững. Chọn Accnet - Chọn sự tin cậy và chất lượng hàng đầu.

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  • 🌐 Website: https://accnet.vn/