Short-term debt is one of the important information in the balance sheet accounting and the business, investors are particularly interested in. However, not everyone understands all the items there. Let's AccNet learn about short-term debt, what is the? How to calculate the indicators in short-term debt just below this article, okay. nợ ngắn hạn là gì

1. Learn about short-term debt, what is?

In the operation of business often appear short-term debt to rotate capital business. Short-term debt is defined and specified in circular 200 and accounting standards in Vietnam no. 18.

1.1 the Concept of short-term debt, what is?

Short-term debt is the debt business is responsible for paying within a period not exceeding one year or in a production cycle, business casual. nợ ngắn hạn là gì This is debt that during the production process business made loans to rotate round capital, such as accounts payable to suppliers of goods, raw materials, bank loans, short-term,... Short-term debts usually are business payment by assets, is often used up within a year. Current assets include cash or accounts receivable of clients.

1.2 significance of short-term debt, what is?

In manufacturing operations, business, debt always arise more or less, the problem posed businesses need to good management of short-term debt to limit the risks of payment. So the meaning of short-term debt, what is the? Short-term debt actually intended to supplement funding for the production process, the business of business. Business must regularly monitor the debt and evaluate the possibility of payment in order to optimize cash flow, actively plan and solve problems quickly financially. Solvency is one of the plus points and attract more investors. On the other hand, liquidity is the most important criteria to banks, finance companies, assess the degree of credibility of the business in the loan capital investment.

2. The account is ranked in the short-term debt of the business is what?

You just learn the concept and meaning of short-term debt, what is the? In most businesses today, the account is ranked in the short-term debt include: các khoản ngắn hạn
  • Bank loans short term
Most businesses usually bank loans to supplement the account of deficiency, account arising in the process of production and business. Depends on the purpose of use and the period of payment of the business if the loan has a time limit of less than one year are classified as short-term debt.
  • The salaries of workers
Typically, the wages of workers who will be business recurring payments each month, so this item is rated on short-term debt of the business. Here can understand the business owe employees a stipend to pay each month.
  • Negotiable
Coupons in short-term debt, what is the? Commercial paper is a term used to refer to the type of exchange trading. Coupons issued by the company to loan capital in the primary market in the short term. Therefore, the total value of coupons business has released the official's short term debts of the business. With the benefit of the issuance of commercial paper is obliged to the payment of the debt by the deadline of the business. This payment consists of principal amount and interest amount of votes for it.
  • Corporate INCOME tax payable periodically
CIT is the type of state tax levied directly on the taxable income of the business. Corporate INCOME tax includes the income of the business came from production activities, trading goods and services and is filed under periodic (month, quarter, year). So CIT is also a debt is in short-term debt.
  • The account other short-term
In addition to the account belonging to the short-term debt you just point over there the other account as the short-term lease, outstanding payments to suppliers of goods, equipment, machinery, raw material, supplies,...

3. Accounts accounting short-term debts need to know

Short-term debt is shown in detail in the on-balance sheet accounting, accounts accounting short-term debt, what is the? Refer to the right table below.
Account name short-term debt Code Content reflection Data based on
Liabilities short sellers 311 Reflect the amount of money must pay to the seller within a period not exceeding 12 months or the business cycle at the time of reporting Based on balance Have an account 311 “pay to the seller” is listed details for each seller
The buyer pays in advance short term 312 This item reflects the amount the buyer has paid in advance to purchase a product, service, fixed assets, real estate investment..., Business is obliged to provide within 12 months or a production cycle from the time of reporting Based on the arising of account 131 “receivable of clients,” is open details for each customer
Taxes and other payables to the state budget 313 The total amount of money that a business must pay to the state, including the taxes, fees and other debts Based on the balance of account 333 “Taxes and other payables to the state budget”
Payables to employees 314 Indicators reflect the total amount of business has not paid for the employee at the time of the report Based on the balance of accounts 334 “pay employees”
The cost to pay short-term 315 Reflect the outstanding payments due, received goods or services, but no invoice or the cost of the time the statements are not enough vouchers, records,... Based on the balance of accounts 334 “pay employees”
Pay internal short 316 Is accounts payable in business insider has a time limit within 12 months The data of accounting is based on the balance of the account, 3362, 3363, and 3368
Pay-in-progress plan construction contracts 317 Reflects the expert deviation of the total amount of accumulated customer to pay in-progress implementation of the plan and the total number of cumulative revenue corresponding to the portion of work completed to the end of the reporting period Based on the balances of accounts 337 “payment-in-progress construction plans”
Unearned revenue short-term 318 Reflect the revenue has not made corresponding with the obligation to implement in the next 12 months or in a manufacturing business Based on balance Have an account 3387 “unrealized revenue
Other short-term payables 319 Reflect the debt other payables of the business in the next 12 months or within one production cycle and business based on the balance of the accounts 338, 138, 334
Loan and debt finance lease short term 320 Is the sum of the loan liabilities of a business for banks, institutions, finance companies, with the term of payment within 12 months Based on the balance of account 341
Prophylactic short-term payables 321 Reflect the reserves for the account to be paid within 12 months or in a production cycle and business. For example, prophylactic repair of fixed assets, preventive restructuring business,... Based on balance have an account 352 “redundancy pay”
Bonus, benefits 322 Reflect the fund, bonus, benefits have not yet used at the time of reporting based on the balance of account 353 “bonus benefits”
The price stabilization fund 323 Reflect the total price stabilization fund existing at the time of the report based on accounts 357 “price stabilization Fund”
Transactions of buying and selling bonds 324 Reflects the total value of government bonds of the seller not the end of the term of the contract of sale at the time of the report Based on the balance of accounts 171 “traded bonds”

4. Short-term debt increase or decrease mean?

You are clear on the meaning of short-term debt, what is theit reflects the situation of the financial health of the business. So, short-term debt increase or decrease is what? nợ ngắn hạn tăng, giảm có ý nghĩa gì?

4.1 short-term Debt increase

When short-term debt increase is:
  • Short-term debt to pay suppliers increase: the reputation and relationships of the business with good partners.
  • Taxes and charges payable to the state rising strong: The taxes paid based on the revenue and profitability of the business. This increase shows the company's earnings are increasing is a sign of good business.
  • Pay for workers increase: this item increases expression of the scale, increase the resources of the enterprise. If the increase is not too large, does not correspond with the revenue can financial situation are having problems.
  • Loan and debt finance lease boost: When this increase is the expansion scale mining areas of new business. However, businesses must pay attention if loans and financial leasing debts too large will affect the profitability of the company.

4.2 short-term Debt reduction

When short-term debt decrease is:
  • Businesses have to pay when buying goods: can see the trust and the relationship between business partners and not good. Business not be accepted late payment.
  • Tax and payments on government reduction: can understand the business is active not good, not effective should tax payable state reduction.
  • Account to pay the labor reduction: expressing the cut personnel, narrow-scale production and business.
  • Loans and borrowings finance lease up: Business growth is slow and can be a sign of the deterioration, scale production and business't be extended.

5. How to calculate short-term debt, what is?

The calculation of short-term debt are very important and necessary for users of financial statements from the accounting and governance to investors. Because short-term liabilities brought to an overall perspective of financial and liquidity of the business. How to calculate specific as follows: Cách xác định hệ số thanh toán hiện thời How to determine the coefficient of payments current: Liquidity ratios current = current Assets / short-term Debt. How to determine the quick ratio short-term debt: Quick ratio = Total cash and securities, short-term / short-term liabilities. In which: Total cash and securities, short-term = current Assets - inventory.

6. Instructions on how to view short-term debt on the financial statements

Surely you also grasp the meaning of short-term debt, what is the and it plays an important role in reflecting the financial situation as well as the financial issues that businesses are facing. Therefore, you need to know how to see the short-term debt on the financial statements to check for reference and give financial decisions right. The items in short-term debt is presented in detail in the “Liabilities” in the balance sheet of the business. “Liabilities” to show the total amount of debt that a business must pay. Business can find and view details of short-term debt in the only goal from 311 to 324. From which they can assess the business through the financial angle. Short-term debt has an important role with respect to production activities and business of the business. AccNet just share you the information about short-term debt, what is the? How to see, how to calculate the short-term debt on the financial report business. Track AccNet to update more useful information about accounting.