Today most of the businesses in Vietnam are application ERP software into your business, to enhance productivity, ease of management. With the need to use ERP software increases, thus more business after this when preparing intend to use the software will start to learn about the price of erp software. But today on the internet there are too many pricing tables, each table prices are different. So pricing table ERP software how new is the most accurate? This article will only get you in detail ERP software price how much and price list ERP software latest updates 2020. Phần Mềm ERP Giá Bao Nhiêu

ERP Software Price how Much Price ERP Software 2020

Today on the market there are multiple partners provides ERP software with different price, which makes many businesses do not know should choose erp software price how much to fit the needs of the business. And there are also many businesses, however, the first use, but have not learn about ERP software, businesses can choose to purchase the ERP software from overseas cost a lot more than the software in Vietnam. In addition, the investment cost is quite expensive, the accounting is often not compatible with the accounting system of Vietnam on the account, business process, cost allocation ... on the other Hand, when the accounting regime of Vietnam constantly changing, drag in the ERP system need to configure, edit the resulting costs are also incurred more. Besides, there are difficulties related to the language and more complex functions not in accordance with the operation process of the business,... So, ERP software, how much is reasonable for the business in Vietnam? With this question, then Director of development software business management AccNetERP said: list price of the ERP software much depends on the classification system used in the software, the number of user use at the same time or number of branches, company members need management in ERP software. For example: If the business use more modules than the basic rate, the cost will be higher, or business that the business peculiarities are also priced higher than the other businesses. Thus, depending on the needs of each business, the price of software will have the disparity different. However, software in water prices will be a lot lower than the software of foreign. The system is always updated properly in the accounting system of Vietnam and software functions in accordance with the process of each business, service support after use also easily and more quickly.

What Factors Affect the Price of The ERP Software?

Investment costs

For those enterprises or large organizations, quitting out a big cost to deploy ERP solutions is that easy. But for the small and medium business, they also want to invest in solutions ERP software to increase business productivity, but due to funding sources are limited so don't miss out a big cost.

Deployment costs incurred

The deployment of a project ERP software will go through many stages, such as planning, installation, training,... Depending on your needs, service your business that costs incurred in the period, this will also be the team up.


System maintenance is inevitable when using the software, if using the ERP software for free or partnered with the software provider, not the reputation, the pay maintenance monthly, even weekly is evident with respect to the business. But for software AccNetERP you will be free maintenance within 12 months, resolve incidents quickly during the day,...

Training policy

Job training manual ERP software is an important stage when deploying the project. The training manual, the software should be taken seriously as detailed, to ensure end users can easily master the function and apply to jobs effectively, training costs, also take away your no cost quite a bit. But also don't worry, today many supplier has a policy of free training to use the software, or even has free policy support use during the warranty and that no other that it's the software provider AccNetERP. The above are the basic elements affecting the price of ERP software, never seen these influences swayed your decision. After applying ERP software into your business, you will recognize these elements do not influence how much with the benefits that it brings.

Reviews Of Customers About ERP Software

After applying ERP software in business, I feel the work becomes a lot easier. ERP software helps enterprises I save a lot of time and effort, the staff no longer have to overtime every day.

I feel wrong when not in use ERP software for business sooner, after about 1 year of use software, the management of my business becomes simple. While away on business I need only 1 pcs smartphone was able to manage his company in an easy way, such as are present at the company so.

The first time when taking training courses use software AccNetERP, I just stay it will not help for your business is. But after 2 months of use I noticed the benefits that software AccNetERP bring beyond your imagining of my original.

The first time when learn about ERP software to apply for their own restaurant, I'm just bitter measured forever about the issue of cost spent. The cost slightly higher than the business allows, but after about a period of research and advice from friends I decided to buy the software AccNetERP. After years of using the software, I feel the work of the entire staff of the restaurant faster than. More important than revenue also increased significantly, so after the software I've minimalist is the unnecessary costs.