You are wishing to use ERP software to run your business? You do not know how to choose ERP solution for the match? The following article will help you understand about ERP. In the era of technology 4.0, managers, visionary certainly can't ignore the automation solution in operating and corporate governance. The appearance of ERP help for all business operations, from management to staff is going smoothly and quickly.

1. ERP software for your business is what?

ERP stands for “Enterprise Resource Planning”, that is, resource planning, business. ERP understand na is system software technology, multi-function. ERP software is programmed to integrate multiple subsystems (modules) different, optimized for the use of the resources of the business in an automatic way. The effect of ERP software is to help create a system to handle data automatically, and throughout all the departments as well as the operation of the business: financial accounting, accounting, cost management, purchasing, management, sales, inventory management,...
An ERP system complete usually consists of the following components:

✓ Manage hr (Human Resource Management)

✓ Project management (Project Management)

✓ Service management (Service Management)

✓ Purchase management (Purchase Control)

✓ Management sales and distribution (Sales and Distribution)

✓ Production management (Production Control)

✓ Inventory management (Stock Control)

✓ Accounting – Finance (Finance)

✓ Report of management board (Management Report)

✓ Tax reporting ( Tax Reports)

Depending on the professional level and customize the ERP software can be optimal to use for many different types of devices such as mobile phones, cash register, barcode scanner, camera system, monitor,... phan-mem-dieu-hanh-quan-tri-doanh-nghiep-quan-ly-san-xuat

2. Distinguish ERP with solutions business management other

ERP software owns 4 properties as follows:
  1. ERP is a software solution to support business operations management business. ERP does not replace humans in the production runs.
  2. ERP case of all phases of business operations and departmental affiliation of a business into one system of orderly, science.
  3. ERP standardized operation of the business as a system of rules and detailed plan. The staff and management will be based according to that plan and define the target business and production are obviously specific recurring weekly, quarterly, monthly, and yearly
  4. ERP is the system software links the departments in the company. The parts from which it can be easily exchanged and support each other in work in an effective way.

3. Benefits of using ERP in operating business

Thanks to ERP software, all activities in the workflow are provided on a database only. That is the point in the help for the “data mining” (data analysis) is occurring rapidly, thereby, executives soon identified business strategy fit for your business.
ERP software helps to better control the financial information
Typically, the financial statements will be gathering data from many different parts there should certainly be disparities certain. Thanks to ERP solutions, all the information related to finance are to63g case back to a place – a database unique across all departments and establishments. If there is a figure of change, all relevant information is automatically calculated and displayed, consistent, avoid the conflicts that hinder business activities. Software business management ERP also helps to create financial reports accurately and timely for leaders whenever they want.
ERP software helps to speed up processing work
Business with scale larger, the process for handling work more and more complicated. This requires the business to have clearly defined responsibilities and obligations of each of the departments to be able to quickly solve problems that arise. With just a click command on the computer, the electronic vouchers can be transferred to many related parts, at the same time. The command import, export goods are also processed fast. Help accelerate the progress of the work for parts storekeeper.
ERP software limit errors in data entry
The information about clients, partners, and goods are stored fixed only once on ERP system. Any authorized employees have access to the original data without disturbing story“three star interior version”. With the use of the Word, you can easily mistake during data entry, change customer name “Tran Phuong” the “Ceiling” Is. Or case numbers hand-written notes on crates false, “16” is written wrong to”19”.
ERP software helps to better control the work process of employees
So you can focus on the business processes of the system fixed, businesses can easily apply the mechanisms of internal control thanks to the function “Audit track” (trace) of ERP software. This function allows to quickly find out the source of the accounting entries need to check as well as the employees are related to pen that math. Each stage in the process of performing the work of employees is also fully optimized on ERP software system. Thanks to that, managers can hold in their hands the result work of the staff quickly. Know that employee has sold empty and bring about revenue how much. The potential of ERP solutions is very large when can automatically analyze the database of the work of employees to assign employees to tasks in accordance with their strengths. The administrator will save much time and cost to recruit and allocate resources. >> Might interest you:
ERP software helps to build internal social network for business
ERP software integrated modern features internal communication between the users belonging to the same department or wide out is all organization. The staff will have a professional environment to get together to exchange, discuss the activities in his work.

Software business management AccNetERP

AccNetERP is an ERP solution modern to from The Company's Lac Viet. With extensive experience in supporting the business management system, business efficiency, AccNetERP can completely solve the administrative needs from basic to complex. AccNetERP optimal support and automate the process operation of the business: management, purchasing, sales management, inventory management, financial accounting, general accounting, reporting, dynamic data, merge data cost, fast,... Please take the time to learn more about management solution business AccNetERP at this. You will have the right answer for problem management for your business.tìm hiểu về phần mềm accnet erp tốt nhất hiện nay