The business is done digitized materialdata, gradually move completely to use electronic invoices. However, whether a paper invoice or electronic invoice, then in the process of establishment, the invoice will not avoid the case of errors. So where is the way handle electronic invoice write wrong right according to the law? The Accnet learn in detail in this article.

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1. How to handle bill electronic misspell circular 32/circular 78/Decree 123

Here are 7 adjusting the electronic invoice write wrong for each specific case:

1.1. Cases not yet sent to the buyer

When bill electronic has been established but there are flaws such as address, tax code (MTS), tax rate, name goods, wrong date or amount, however, the bill has not yet been sent to the client, accountant make cancellation invoice, issue a new invoice. Electronic invoice is cancelled, must be stored back to base when there is investigation from the tax authorities.

Way handle electronic invoice write wrong this base, according to the office of 3441/TCT-CS dated 29/8/2019 of the directorate general of tax on electronic invoices.

1.2. Case invoice sent to the buyer hasn tax declaration

Invoice/send to the buyer but goods and services were delivered to customers but not yet tax declaration, then the processor when writing the wrong electronic invoice as follows:

Step 1: Confirm the errors from the seller, the buyer agrees to cancel the invoice flaws.

Step 2: sell-Side implementation of electronic invoices, send to the buyer. Note, on new bills need to confirm this is the alternative bill for old bill has flaws.

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1.3. How to handle electronic invoice write wrong is the tax declaration was sent to the buyer

Goods/services sent to the buyer had the tax declaration will be made by the processor when writing the wrong electronic invoice as follows:

Step 1: the Two sides set up a written agreement stating the flaws electronic signature of 2 sides.

Step 2: the seller establishment the custom electronic invoice there are errors, specify the increase or decrease in the number of goods, the tax rate, the selling price for electronic invoicing errors earlier. Based on the minutes of this correction, the two sides will declare adjusted according to the applicable law.

1.4. How to handle electronic invoice write wrong code of the tax authority has not sent for buyers

Electronic invoicing is the code of the tax authority, has not yet sent to the buyer be processed according to the following steps:

Step 1: Use the template no. 04/SS-HDĐT in annex IA in the Decree 123 to inform the tax authorities cancel the electronic invoice is issued code has flaws.

Step 2: Set up electronic bill new register number, send the tax agency to set new code, sent to the buyer.

1.5. Case bills are the code of the tax authority sent to the buyer

Bills have errors in address, name, but not the wrong tax code is sent to the buyer made handle electronic invoice write wrong follow these steps:

Step 1: The seller just notice about the mistake on without the need to issue a new invoice.

Step 2: Use a template no. 04/SS-HDĐT in annex IA in the Decree 123 to inform about the flaws.

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1.6. How to handle bill electronic writing wrong don't have the code of the tax authority

Adjusting the electronic invoice write wrong for cases where the bill does not have the code of the tax authority as follows:

  • Electronic invoices can only flaws about the name, the address, but tax code correct, the content remains true, then no need to reset the invoice. The seller need only inform the buyer about these errors.
  • Case incorrect invoice, tax advance tax, goods not properly, then the seller needs to invoice adjusted for electronic invoices contain errors. On the bill adjustable specifies the “adjust for invoice model number ... symbol ... of ... days ... months ... years.” If the 2 parties have set up the deal before invoicing then need to set up the new agreement specifies the flaws.

1.7. Bill is the wrong information required under the provisions

Step 1: make a memorandum of agreement between the seller, buyer

  • Specify the errors in buyer information/goods/services/quantity/unit price/amount/date/tax code/tax rate on record.
  • Memorandum of agreement should be signed by both parties (seller and buyer).

Step 2: The seller informed adjust the invoice for the tax authority

Step 3: Set the adjustment to handle electronic invoice write wrong

  • Bill adjusted just remember the information is false information properly adjusted. The information remains the same as the original invoice.
  • Content invoice adjustments must specify the number of the original invoice/date of original invoice. Extra notes about the reasons for the adjustment.

2. Handle electronic invoice write wrong should be based legal rules, how?

Before performing adjusting the electronic invoice write wrongbusiness or accounting student should know, understand the legal grounds made for each type of bill. Accordingly, depending on the type of invoice business use will apply the legal grounds different.

Currently there are two types of electronic invoice is used, the base handle specific as follows:

  • Electronic invoices shall be issued under circular 23/2021/TT-BTC: How to fix electronic invoice write wrong based on the 9 at the words, the dispatch instructions to handle different for each case, the specific flaws.
  • Bill electronic new type issued under circular 78/2021/TT-BTC, the Decree 123/2020/ND-CP: Grounds for processing according to clause 1, article 7 following circular 78 of electronic invoices, article 19, according to the Decree 123.

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3. Note need to know when adjusting the electronic invoice write wrong

To ensure process handle electronic invoice write wrong done right, avoid meeting the other flaws to note the following issues:

  • Set/border adjustment electronic invoice: the program should have enough signatures of the buyer and seller. Buyers have the electronic signature, then the minutes are set will sign electronically. If the buyer does not have electronic signature shall record set by paper directly.
  • Need to have how to store electronic invoice be careful with the bill did get to give the tax authorities during the investigation.
  • The adjustment is not recorded negative number (-)
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Details of the case handle electronic invoice write wrong was AccNet presented in full in this article. Hope the information in the help for businesses, accountants done properly handle when you write the wrong electronic invoice if there are errors in the process of using electronic invoices, okay.

When the electronic invoice is written wrong, businesses often face much trouble, from the discovery of the error, learn the process of revision to the compliance with legal provisions according to the circular, 32, circular 78 and Decree 123. These errors, if not handled timely process can cause no less difficult, even affect corporate reputation. To overcome this difficulty, LV eInvoice the is the perfect solution. Software business support automatic detection of errors, the guide details the steps adjustable in accordance with the law, help you to perform editing operations, replace, cancel the invoice quickly and accurately. Thus, you will save time, minimize the risks of errors in the processing of electronic invoices. Experience LV eInvoice to easily solve all the problems of the electronic invoice of you!


Management software electronic invoice LV eInvoice fully integrated features from invoicing, number, storage, to automatically send invoices to customers in just a few seconds. System high security level of company shares information, Lac Viet ensure that all corporate data is securely protected

Benefits of using software electronic invoice LV e-Invoice includes:

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  • Automatically create, digitally sign, send and store invoices
  • Complete the process to issue bills in few seconds
  • Always updated according to the legal regulations latest
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With LV e-Invoicemanaging invoices has never been easier. Let us accompany you on your journey of corporate culture, creating sustainable value. Choose Vietnam - Choose the reliable and top quality.


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