Over many decades, developing business has to come with the protection of the environment. So in many developed countries, supply chain, closed is rated higher than the supply chain that brings many more benefits. So, supply chain, closed it is and what it can what are the benefits? You are invited let's find out through the following article. >>> See more: supply chain what is

Supply Chain Closed What Is?

Supply chain, closed – Closed Loop Supply Chain Management (CLSCM) is the creation, use of product, then brought to a recycling or disposing of the product according to how the circulatory or the closed cycle that is repeated, to ensure economic recovery and environmental protection. Supply chain closed includes not only the process of logistics prose tradition, but also including operations such as collection, sorting, filtering, remodeling, repair, reuse, export,... These activities have been grouped into 3 large groups are (Buy Back – Recovery – Integrated), whereby the value of the product was also restored and reborn again for all cycle supply.
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Diagram supply chain, closed

Benefits Of Supply Chain Closed Bring Business

Thanks to the advantages of the supply chain is closed (CLSCM) has brought benefits in accordance with the purpose of that business is profitable, protect the environment and create jobs for workers. Here are 3 benefits that supply chain closed. Increase profits Supply chain closed (CLSCM) create source cheap thanks to the re-processing of the raw materials, spare parts and the waste product feedback. Words which will help the company get the products at cheaper prices, increasing profits for the company over. For example, In manufacturing motorcycle, the recycling back to the parts motorcycle will reduce almost 50% of the cost of production. Environmental protection The recovery, re-processing of the raw materials, spare parts and other products in a way that science and process the re-use them not only reduce the demand for mined materials and new energy that is still limited to be a burial fitting, destruction of surplus products that cause harm to the environment. Creating jobs for workers The recovery and recycling of products will create more jobs than the disposal of waste. So with supply chain systems closed this will bring lot of employment opportunities for workers, more restrictions are increasing social evils of unemployment.
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Diagram supply chain closed most detailed

The Difference Between Supply Chain, Closed-Loop And Supply Chain Traditional

1 The goal made Reduce costs and improve the efficiency of the business in order to maximize profit brought Still maximize profit bring, but to ensure environmental protection. Bring the sources of work for workers
2 Management structure The operations manager environment is not a major concern The operations management environment is a top concern, on par with profit brought
3 Business model Business model not really complete, harm to the environment by not using the resource regeneration There business model more complete, more focus on resource regeneration, less harmful for the environment
4 Business process Start the work with the supplier and ends with the consumer, product flow, this can't reverse the Change the mode of this business, searching for the reincarnation products. Flow product completely closed, has the ability to recover and cyclical. The products will be “fired” became the raw materials available to produce new ones
With the information above accnet.vn hope was brought to you useful knowledge about supply chain closed what is. With any questions about this business model, or need a software to help admin this business model, you can contact us via chat on the bottom, for advice more clearly.