Today, the transition from paper invoices to electronic invoices (HĐĐT) is the new trend in the digital age helps to save resources and increase management efficiency, customer service. However, many businesses still not know how to convert accordance with the law. So, let's Accnet track't miss the article below to know the ways of implementing switch electronic invoice okay!

1. How to convert electronic invoices from invoice paper in TT68-NĐ119

Guide switch bill of circular 68/2021/TT-BTC and Decree 119/2021/ND-CP dated through 6 simple steps:

  • Step 1: Determine the type of invoice numbers are used
  • Step 2: Set model number 01/ĐKTĐ-HĐĐT 
  • Step 3: choose a provider software electronic invoice credits
  • Step 4: Get paper bills, invoices electronically old 
  • Step 5: Create, invoice number, and send to the customer
  • Step 6: report on the use of paper invoices, electronic invoices old 

Step 1: Determine the type of the invoice number that businesses are using

Electronic invoices there are two main types as electronic invoice no code and bill electronic authentication code of the tax authority. 

  • Electronic invoice no code, the tax authority: Type this bill is created, stored and managed entirely on the electronic system without the authorization code of the tax authority. It is used in the trade transactions between the companies.
  • Bill electronic code tax authorities: Is the bill of organizations that provide services electronic invoices are licensed and have the authentication code from the tax authority. Code verify this increases the legitimacy and reliability of the invoice in the transaction.

Verification type the invoice number with the tax authority before switch electronic invoice:

  • Direct contact with the tax office or visit their website tax to verify the type of invoice. Tax authorities may clarify the types of bills that different businesses have and are engaged.
  • Check the bill of the business have the authentication code from the tax authorities or not. This case, the invoices are using the invoice is have the code of the tax authority.

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Step 2: Set model number 01/ĐKTĐ-HĐĐT before switching electronic invoice

Sample 01/ĐKTĐ-HĐĐT (appendix IA - Decree 119/2018/ND-CP; appendix IB and Decree no. 119.2018/ND-CP) is the formal procedure is used to register to use electronic invoices according to the rule of law. To create this form, you must fill out the basic information below:

Thread form 01/ĐKTĐ-HĐĐT Content form 01/ĐKTĐ-HĐĐT 
Business information - Business name - Tax code - Headquarters address - Phone - E-Mail
Information about software electronic invoice - Name software - Software vendors - The certificate of eligibility for business
Type of bill electronic use - Type of bill: Bill of sale, invoice services - Model number
The method of conversion - From paper invoices to electronic invoices - From the bills of ex -
Signature of representative - Name of representative - Position  - Signature

After filling out the form 01/ĐKTĐ-HĐĐT, the business must submit to the tax authority competent to be registered to use electronic invoices. The tax authorities will assess the information and licensing as prescribed.

mẫu số 01/ĐKTĐ-HĐĐT

Step 3: select supplier conversion software electronic invoice credits

To choose the vendor of the software to convert the invoice number of prestigious, businesses must consider the following aspects:

  • Reputation: review activity history of supplier and reviews of previous clients.
  • Legal: Ensure supplier compliance with the legal regulations on the electronic invoice.
  • Software functions: deliver what you need, such as create, manage, store, and send electronic invoices.
  • Customer support: advice and technical support quickly.
  • Prices: compare the cost from the service provider switch electronic invoice various to choose the right software with business budget.

The company shares information, Lac Viet is the software vendor bill electronic prestigious product conversion technology bill number LV-Einvoiceget more customers to choose and appreciate the TOP 1 on the market today.

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Step 4: Remove paper invoice, electronic invoice when switch

When businesses move away from using paper invoices, invoice number to bill electronic or wishing to cancel electronic bill old by mistake, the business must perform the following steps to ensure the transition is done properly specified:

For paper invoices:

  • Set the minutes cancel invoice: clearly explained the cause cancellation and order number of the bill need to cancel. The minutes must obtain the authorization of the purchaser (if applicable) and the seller sign the confirmation.
  • Inform the tax authorities: notification with the tax authority about the use of bills before the 10th of the following month after a cancellation invoice. Attach the logs of the money was to pay for the bill.
  • Handle the paper invoice is cancelled when switch electronic invoice: Cut corner, the note “cancelled” on the invoice was canceled to avoid re-use.

With respect to bills of old:

  • Specify the invoice number should get: Check the validity of the electronic invoicedetermine the electronic invoice need to cancel due to errors. 
  • Making clean bill number: Same as bill printer, create a record full details and the reasons electronic invoices need to cancel. Signature of the seller and buyer must be digitally signed 
  • Inform the tax authorities about the cancellation of the bill: notify the tax authority through the electronic about the cancellation of the bill. Ensure electronic invoice cancelled not be re-issued. 
  • Bill destroyed reserved: archive details the electronic invoice is cancelled in the accounting system for reference when necessary.

Chuyển đổi từ hóa đơn giấy sang online

Step 5: Create, invoice number, and send to the customer

To easily create, and send invoices when switch electronic invoice for customers, you can follow these steps:

  • Preparation information: collect all the relevant information such as name and address, the buyer and the seller, tax code, specific details about the product/service (quantity, price).
  • Use software invoice management input: Log in to the software bill electronic registered and complete the information on the invoice template.
  • Confirm and sign the bill: review invoice details, electronic signatures and confirming the electronic version of the invoice.
  • Released invoice: The software will automatically create invoice after confirmed.
  • Send invoice number for clients: Send invoice via email or other online services for customers.

Chuyển đổi từ hóa đơn truyền thống sang online

>>> Article on the same theme: 

Step 6: report on the use of paper invoices, electronic invoices old

To report status using paper invoices, invoice number, after switch electronic invoicebusiness implementation:

  • Data preparation: Get information about the number value of the paper invoice, electronic invoice in the reporting period.
  • Data classification: distinguishing information into 2 types: paper invoices and electronic invoices.
  • Reporting: Use the form to report specified in circular 68 or follow the instructions specific report of the tax authority.
  • Report the number of values: Write the number of invoices and the total value of paper bills, invoices electronically during the reporting period.
  • Sent report: Sent to report on the number of bills were used in the reporting period, typically before the 10th of the month following the reporting period.

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2. How to convert electronic invoices from invoice paper on software LV-Einvoice

To convert the invoice number on the software, LV-Einvoice - corporation information Lac, Vietnamese enterprises need to follow the following steps:

Step 1: log in to the software switch electronic invoice LV-Einvoice

Business to buy software, LV-Einvoice, then our technical team rich experience of the company shares information, Lac Viet will give you a link for a separate login. To log into the software that converts electronic payment LV-Einvoice, you perform the following:

  • Visit the login page of the site, LV-Einvoice in the web browser.
  • Enter the user name and password for your registered.
  • Press the ‘login’ button to enter the system

chuyển đổi hóa đơn điện tử

Step 2: set up your business information on the software, LV-Einvoice

  • Log in to the software.
  • Select "business information"
  • Enter the required information such as name, business name, address, tax identification number, contact information, etc.
  • Press ‘Save’ the information that was imported.

Chuyển đổi từ hóa đơn giấy sang online

Step 3: sign up using bill electronic code/ no code, the tax authority

  • On the main screen interface software switch electronic invoice LV-Einvoice, you choose "register for electronic invoices"
  • Choose the type of electronic invoicing want to set (with or without code, the tax authority).
  • Press the ‘Submit’ button to complete the registration process.

Chuyển đổi từ hóa đơn truyền thống sang online

Step 4: Initialize invoice template new electronic when switching

  • Select "Create electronic invoices" in addition to the main interface of the software
  • Enter specific information for invoice, including information about customers, products, or services, quantity, unit price and other information.
  • Check out and click ‘Save’ bill new create 

Chuyển đổi từ hóa đơn truyền thống sang online

Step 5: Destroy old bills after switching electronic invoice new

  • Select the function “Manage bills”.
  • Search and specify the invoice needs to be removed.
  • Select the invoice and choose "Cancel".
  • Confirmed decide to cancel and press ‘Save’ the changes. 

Chuyển đổi từ hóa đơn giấy sang online

Step 6: invoice number in circular 68/Decree 119

  • Access function “invoice” or “Create new invoice”.
  • If the ‘invoice’ >>> You in for bill've created that you want to export >>> Confirm the information and click ‘invoice’
  • If ‘Create new invoice’ >>> You enter the specific information for invoice, including information about customers, products, services, quantity, unit price and other information >>> Confirm the information and click ‘invoice’

chuyển đổi hóa đơn điện tử

The transition from paper invoices to electronic invoices requires businesses to comply with several steps, from setting information, register with the tax agency to initialize template new invoice, cancel the old bill. This process typically makes business difficult in ensuring the accuracy, compliance law, at the same time can take more time if it is not supported by a suitable tool.

LV eInvoice is the solution to help businesses solve the challenge, this comprehensive. With this software, you can easily perform all steps from log management, information management, to invoices, new electronics without any obstacles. Thanks to process automation, LV eInvoice help save time, reduce risk of errors, ensure that all taps are accurate, compliance with legal regulations. Try it now LV eInvoice to convert bills effective!


Management software electronic invoice LV eInvoice fully integrated features from invoicing, number, storage, to automatically send invoices to customers in just a few seconds. System high security level of company shares information, Lac Viet ensure that all corporate data is securely protected

Benefits of using software electronic invoice LV e-Invoice includes:

  • Don't cost the cost of printing, storing papers
  • Automatically create, digitally sign, send and store invoices
  • Complete the process to issue bills in few seconds
  • Always updated according to the legal regulations latest
  • Flexible integration with the accounting system and ERP
  • Easy to use for all users
  • Technology advanced encryption protect your data before any risk of loss

With LV e-Invoicemanaging invoices has never been easier. Let us accompany you on your journey of corporate culture, creating sustainable value. Choose Vietnam - Choose the reliable and top quality.

>>> See more:

3. Case mandatory transfer paper invoices to electronic invoices

Below is the case compelled to make switch electronic invoice according to the law:

Case 1: According to the law:

  • Decree 119/2018/ND-CP: Regulations on the use of electronic invoices when selling goods and providing services. Accordingly, from the date 1/11/2020, enterprises, economic organizations, households/individuals and business to make the switch to HĐĐT.
  • Circular 68/2019/TT-BTC: Specific guidance on the implementation/use HĐĐT according to the Decree 119/2018/ND-CP, stating the requirements, transition from paper invoices to HĐĐT.

Case 2: a request from the tax department: The tax authorities local business requirements implemented using HĐĐT to sync with the system of electronic tax administration, reduce tax fraud.

Case 3: partner requirements: Many partners, especially the big business, requires the use of HĐĐT to enhance transparency in transaction management.

4. The conversion process paper invoices to electronic invoices

Step 1: sign up to use electronic invoice

  1. Visit the website of the General department of Taxation to learn about the regulations, require the use of electronic invoices.
  2. Prepare the necessary documents such as business registration certificate, business information, forms related.
  3. Research, selection, service provider switch electronic invoice reputable, fully meet the requirements of security. The popular vendors including Vietnam, MISA, VNPT, Viettel, BKAV, FPT. Contact supplier to ask for advice, service quotes.
  4. Complete information on the registration form using HĐĐT due to the tax provided.
  5. Submission of documents for registration accompanied by the necessary documents to the tax authority.
  6. Wait for confirmation and approval from the tax authorities.

Step 2: Prepare/set up system

  1. Ensure that the computer network system of the business operation, stable connection, high speed internet.
  2. Install the anti-virus software to protect data.
  3. Download and install the software HĐĐT from service provider selected.
  4. Configure the software according to the instructions of the supplier, including the setting up of business information, invoice template, digital signature.
  5. Buy digital signature from the provider to be licensed as Viettel-CA VNPT-CA, BKAV, CA.
  6. Install the digital signature on the system/configuration for use with software HĐĐT.

Step 3: convert e-bills, and enter data

  1. Use scanner to scan all paper bills out there.
  2. Store the file scan file format PDF or high quality image.
  3. Use OCR software to recognize, convert the information from the scanned files into text data.
  4. OCR software downloads include ABBYY FineReader, Adobe Acrobat, Tesseract.
  5. Check the data has been converted
  6. Manually editing the information is recognized false, and/or omissions.
  7. Data entry from paper bills has been scanned into the system HĐĐT.
  8. Ensure all the important information such as the invoice number, date, customer name and amount are correct.

Step 4: staff Training

  1. Organize training sessions for staff on the process switch electronic invoice
  2. Invite experts from the service provider HĐĐT/accounting professionals to teach, guide.
  3. Provide the documents detailed instructions on the process used software HĐĐT.
  4. Create the brief video tutorial, easy to understand, so employees can refer to as needed.
  5. Set channel technical support to answer questions, troubleshooting techniques related to HĐĐT.
  6. Ensure employees can contact us, get timely assistance when having problems.

Step 5: deploy and test

  1. Start using HĐĐT for all sales transactions/provision of services.
  2. Create/release HĐĐT according to the process have been established.
  3. Regularly inspect/evaluate the effectiveness of the system HĐĐT.
  4. Collect feedback from employees/customers to process improvement.
  5. Based on results of feedback adjustment process using HĐĐT to ensure efficiency and compliance with the legal regulations.

cách chuyển hóa đơn giấy sang hóa đơn điện tử

The switch electronic invoice have important implications in the modernization of management, helping business success and long-term survival in the digital age. If you want to learn about software electronic invoice LV-Einvoice please contact us Vietnam for advice detail!


  • The company shares Information, Lac Viet
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  • Address: 23 Nguyen Thi huynh, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District, ho chi minh CITY.CITY