In the era of technology 4.0, the transition from paper invoices to the invoice number is the inevitable trend of every type of commercial business, modern and transparent. Bill number is a solution financial management are becoming popular in the business today. It saves time and costs, increase accuracy and at the same time help the environment be protected more. So electronic invoice what is? Let's Accnet find out right under article later!

Bài viết cùng chủ đề:

1. Electronic invoicing is what?

In clause 1, Article 3 in Circular no. 32/2011/TT-BTC effect from the date 14/03/2011 of the Ministry of Finance has defined:

Electronic invoice (aka: invoice number, invoice online invoice online) is a collection of data information of business of goods or provision of services that are created, issued, sent, received, stored, and managed by electronic means. Bill number is initialized, set, handle on the computer systems of the organization was granted tax when selling goods or services and stored on the computer of the parties under the provisions of the law on electronic transactions. Bill number must ensure two principles: determine the number of the invoice according to the principle of continuously and in chronological order, each invoice number is guaranteed only be set and used only once.”

The type of electronic invoices online includes the following: export invoices, invoice value, invoice sales, other bills, including: Stamps, tickets,cards, receipts, insurance...

hóa đơn điện tử là gì

2. The great benefit when using electronic invoices

2.1. Save time for business

With invoice paper, registration procedure invoice template is quite cumbersome. Businesses take a lot of time waiting for the Tax license. Then, the business must have bill go put in. The number of prints is fixed, the bill was in to bring about storage in business. Benefits of using invoice number is the removal procedures not required. When using bill online, businesses can design invoice template or select the invoice template is available of the unit provide such invoicing software online LV-E. Invoice. The procedure for issuing and registration done via our Website and Email. The Tax authority will process and send the result to the business of the day through Email.

In addition, using the electronic invoice help convenient for accounting; the data projector. Advantages of the invoice number is too fast processing, the information entered on the accounting software can be transferred to the invoice number, and, conversely, information about the invoice will be transferred directly into the system accounting software (E.G.: accounting software AccNet and bills online LV-E. Invoice). Therefore, the use of bills online saves a lot of time for business instead of using paper bills.

2.2. Electronic invoice to help save costs

Converted to use the invoice number, the business will save a lot of costs compared to paper bills. Cost of purchase invoice number of a lot cheaper than the cost of buying paper bills. Invoice software online LV-E. Invoice with unit price for an invoice number is very cheap, quality software helps to save a lot of costs for businesses. In addition, users do not need to spend effort and cost storage of bills, such as when using paper bills. Not encounter problems such as damaged, lost, or misplaced bills affecting the business.

Benefits of bill of authentication is not required to print an invoice. To send to customers, businesses only need to set up bill, sign electronically, send invoices to the Tax authorities to be granted authentication code then send to its customers under the form of electronic files. So bill online authentication has helped reduce the cost of printed bills of the business about 0 copper.

2.3. Electronic invoicing reduce the administrative procedure

Managing paper receipts must necessarily careful. If to take the bill, businesses will have to explain to the details and logical with the Tax authority. Monthly accounting will have statistics on the use of invoices as: the Number of bills were used; the Number of the invoice damaged by bricks cleared; the Number of bills have not been used to Tax authorities control the financial situation of the company. Business use the invoice number will not need to report on the use of bills. By when bills are authentication is successful, the invoice information of the business has been stored and controlled on the system of the directorate general of Tax.

2.4. Help increase the accuracy of customer information

Especially when using software electronic invoice LV-E. Invoice, the system software will automatically check the tax code are correct or not? If the tax code has been verified, the software will automatically retrieve the relevant information such as name, company Name, phone number, email,.. from data due to The Tax provided. Accounting just to check information bill, make bills on the software, if there are errors before the release does not take much time cancel, and then write back as invoice paper. So using bills online has increased the accuracy of information bill for business, avoiding mistakes and saving time for users.

2.5. Bill electronic anti-counterfeiting bill

Today, paper invoice creator, invoice paper expiry date are rampant in the market. The Tax authority has increased the fine for business use the invoice unauthorized from 20 million to 50 million. And possible criminal prosecution if this behavior causes serious consequences. When the invoice has been provided by the Tax authority authentication code, meaning the bill has legal value. At this time, customers want to check invoices just enter the bill on the website of the Tax to lookup information. This will prevent the counterfeiting or use bills, too-term use.

2.6. Use electronic invoice help to increase the reliability of the business

Invoice number can contain the identifying information of the business such as logo, images. Besides, the authentication code is issued by the Tax department will help the client's business to easily lookup the bill on the website of the Tax to check the authenticity of the bill. The bills of exchange online between the enterprise and the customer is also a lot simpler, instead of having to courier like paper bills, now bill can be informed through the internet with more convenient methods such as Email, SMS,...

Các lợi ích tuyệt vời khi sử dụng hóa đơn điện tử bao gồm việc switch electronic invoice nhanh chóng, giúp doanh nghiệp tối ưu quy trình, giảm thiểu chi phí. lợi ích sử dụng hóa đơn số

3. Rules apply electronic invoice

According to the Decree 119/2018/ND-CP latest invoice number, then from 01/11/2018 apply for new business or business is active already out of paper invoices and from 01/11/2020 for all business. Through which we perceive from 01/11/2020 then all business enterprises must adhere to use HĐĐT to bring benefits for the business and the management agency. Below is the mandatory provisions when a business applies bills online:

3.1. Condition used electronic invoicing

According to paragraph 2 of article 4 of circular 32/2011/TT-BTC, then the sale of goods and services (later collectively referred to as the seller) initialize the invoice number must meet 6 following conditions:

  • Firstly: Is the economic organization are eligible and are made electronic transactions in the tax returns with the tax authority; or is the economic organization that uses electronic transactions in the banking operations.
  • Monday: Must have location, the transmission of information, network information, device annunciation meet the requirements of exploitation, control, handling, use, storage and invoice number.
  • Tuesday: Is there a team of people executed enough level, the ability commensurate with the request to perform the initialization, setup, use invoices online according to the regulations.
  • Wednesday : Is signed electronically in accordance with the provisions of the law.
  • Thursday: Is there software to sell goods and services connected with accounting software, for example accounting software AccNet, ensure the data of electronic invoices for sale of goods and supply of services is automatically transferred into the software (or database) accounting at the time of invoicing.
  • Last is there the process, data backup, data recovery, data storage meet the minimum requirements on the quality of storage, including: System stored procedures, backup and recovery incident.

3.2. The procedure for issuing invoice number

  • 1.Want to release this invoice, the business must have decided to adopt bill online (draft, according to the form no. 1, issued together with circular no. 32).
  • 2.Notification released bills online, sent to regulatory authorities (tax department and the units set up headquarters ), send up your electronic information of the directorate General of tax (according to form no. 02 issued together with circular no. 32).
  • 3.Conduct registration number on the invoice form, and then sent to the tax administration (tax department)

4. Implementation guide invoice number details

Here are 3 steps electronic invoicing easy for every business:

Step 1: Set up online invoicing

  • The sale of goods and services (organization created invoice number) perform invoice number in the system, invoicing software online of the seller.
  • The sale of goods and services (organization created invoices online) access to the program billing system number of intermediary organizations to provide solutions invoice number to initialize and invoice number.
  • The sale goods may invoicing online on accounting software AccNet or software bill of Lac Viet LV-E. Invoice.

Step 2: Send electronic invoices

Send invoice number that the data transmission of bills online from the sale of goods and services to buy goods and services

  • Send direct: sellers make invoice number on the billing software of your invoice and transmitted directly to the system of purchase in the manner traditional invoice number between the two sides.
  • Send through intermediary organizations to provide solutions invoice number: the sale of goods and services, access the system online invoicing of intermediary organizations to provide solutions bills online to initialize, invoice using the invoicing of the system then sent to the buyer invoice number with the electronic signature of the seller.

Step 3: Handle for bill electronic establishment wrong

  • Case online invoice made and sent to the buyer but not yet delivered goods, providing services or online invoice made and sent to the buyer, the seller and the buyer hasn tax declaration, if found wrong, it can only get when you have the consent and confirmation of both parties.
  • Online invoice cancelled must be stored serve the lookup of the state agency having jurisdiction.
  • Case invoice made and sent to the buyer, had delivered the goods, provision of services, seller and buyer have tax declaration, then errors are detected, then the seller and the buyer must make a written agreement signed electronically by both 2 sides clearly flaws, at the same time the seller invoicing online correction of errors.
  • Invoices online after stating adjust (increase or decrease) the quantity of goods, selling price, tax value,... based on bill online tuning, the seller and the buyer made the declaration adjusted according to the provisions of the law on tax administration and bills current. The adjustment is not recorded negative number (-)
cách lập hóa đơn online

5. Choose software electronic invoice which one is the best?

Software invoice electronic LV-E. Invoice is a solution of the Company shares Information, Lac Viet. One of the most prestigious and pioneer in the field of IT in Vietnam. Developed by a team of experienced engineers with compliance criteria closely with the circulars and decrees of law, besides, to help users with easy-to-use, most easily compatible with the device digital signature, and the other accounting software. Invoice software online LV-E. Invoice is integrated with ready Accounting software AccNet help support optimal for users.

Highlights of LV-E. Invoice in comparison with a number of software electronic invoice other

  • Released bills online directly, or through connection with the software partner of Vietnam. This helps clients only work with 1 single partner, and do not have to pay additional fee the connection between the 2 software.
  • Choose to use the Online version or customer self-installation. For the enterprises with the number of bills released and has a team of informatics own, you can choose settings.
  • Pick up numbers by Token or HSM. For the enterprises with the number of invoice major release, you can pick up the number in HSM.
  • Cho phép người bán khai báo quyền tra cứu hóa đơn cho khách hàng không giới hạn số người dùng truy cập. Những điểm nổi bật này là những lý do giúp hóa đơn điện tử Lạc Việt trở thành một giải pháp hữu hiệu cho các doanh nghiệp trong việc manage electronic receipts input.


Management software electronic invoice LV eInvoice fully integrated features from invoicing, number, storage, to automatically send invoices to customers in just a few seconds. System high security level of company shares information, Lac Viet ensure that all corporate data is securely protected

Benefits of using software electronic invoice LV e-Invoice includes:

  • Don't cost the cost of printing, storing papers
  • Automatically create, digitally sign, send and store invoices
  • Complete the process to issue bills in few seconds
  • Always updated according to the legal regulations latest
  • Flexible integration with the accounting system and ERP
  • Easy to use for all users
  • Technology advanced encryption protect your data before any risk of loss

With LV e-Invoicemanaging invoices has never been easier. Let us accompany you on your journey of corporate culture, creating sustainable value. Choose Vietnam - Choose the reliable and top quality.

A number of achievements that LV-E. Invoice achieve 

  • Award of the association of CIO indochina rated: 1st Indochina CIO's Choice Adwards 2006 for products AccNetERP.
  • The product most favored by the Magazine PC World rated the product AccNetERP.
  • LV-E. Invoice is the Total Tax administration certification is the organization receive, transmit and store data bill, as well as provide solutions bill electronic response Circular 78 of electronic invoices.

The practical experience for the user

  • Simple - friendly - Easy to use: Invoices online LV-E. Invoice is designed with the same user-friendly interface to help users easily access, read and use the software.
  • Safe in the security of your data and information: Center infrastructure, data storage Bill online LV-E. Invoice in compliance with the international standards and achieve levels Tier3, ensure safety and security for data.
  • Using easily and fast: With the online version, customers can use immediately after registration and do not need to install. For customers who are using the software, LV-E. Invoice, just make the register number and push bills up to release. Just a few simple mouse clicks, you can use easily.

With the benefits that LV-E. Invoice bring, will help businesses save time, reduce costs and enhance professionalism in the business process. Besides, the use of this solution also satisfies the legal requirements and international standards on electronic invoicing, help for business guaranteed to be legal and reputation in the market. So, if you are looking for a solution invoices online effective and reliable, try using the solutions of LV-E. Invoice to experience the convenience that it brings.

phần mềm LV-E.Invoice


0901 555 063

6. Frequently asked questions

Question 1: Most prominent examples of the invoice number in comparison with traditional invoice? Answer:
  • Reduce the cost of printing, send, storage, storage, mining bill.
  • Convenient for the accounting, collate data, business administration's business, declare and pay tax.
  • Increase safety for invoice when your bills online can copy into more, and avoid the risks, misplaced, damaged bills; if the loss can request a invoice
  • The checkout process faster thanks to save time delivery, electronic invoicing quickly sent to the buyer through the form online
  • Contribute to environmental protection.
Question 2: Bill number have not? Answer: Electronic invoice no concept related. Side release invoice (the seller), the party receiving the invoice (the purchaser) and CQT also data mining on 1 bills online only.
Question 3: Business (the seller) to the storage bill online at all? Storage term is how long? Answer:
  • Yes. Unit released HDDT (the seller): centralized storage and provide HDDT for customers whenever (required)
  • The customer (buyer): can save 1 copy (not mandatory)
  • Save the invoice number as the period specified by the Law on accounting (current is 10 years)
Question 4: In Article 17 of the circular 153 is specified: “case when selling goods or services if the list of goods, services more than the number of lines of a number of bills, sellers can set into multiple invoices or choose one of the following two forms: – The sales record multiple consecutive invoice numbers. The goods last of the invoices ago remember the phrase “the following” and the goods the beginning of invoices after recording the phrase “the first.” So for the electronic invoice, then why? Answer: With invoice paper the number of lines on an invoice is fixed, so when the number of goods and services, many can't write enough on the 1 invoice. But with the bill number, then the line number can increase depending on the number of goods and products have on the invoice and signed out on the entire file bills, guaranteed to be legal without the need to set up multiple invoices in a row or attach lists. In particular, the invoice number only 1 of the bill, but that Bill consists of many pages.
Question 5: Electronic invoices shall be applied to the type of bill does ? Answer: Bill number consists of:
  • Export invoice;
  • Invoice value;
  • Bill of sale;
  • Other bills include: stamps, tickets, cards, receipts, money, insurance, etc.;
  • Receipts freight air transport receipts freights international stock from fee-for-service banking..., form and content established by international practice and the provisions of the relevant legislation.
Question 6: Invoices online using the form bilingual (English and a foreign Language) is not? Answer: Is. Cases need to write more foreign words, then foreign letters are placed to the right in parentheses ( ) or placed directly under the English, and must be smaller than the English.
Question 7: How to distinguish the electronic Invoice (printed paper) and paper Bills? Answer: 1. Based on the number of Contact: Bill online no school Related 2. School Sign on the Invoice :
  • Bill number: E
  • Paper invoices: P
3. Invoice number with the “BILL SWITCH FROM ELECTRONIC invoices” in the case of Bills conversion from electronic to paper 4. Signature:
  • Invoices online: digital Signature
  • Paper invoices: hand Signed
Question 8: Case buyers wishing to convert the invoice number to the invoice sheets, the seller can make is not? And be converted, how many times? Answer: In accordance circular 32/2011/TT-BTC:
  • The seller of goods is transformed invoice number to the invoice paper to prove the origin of goods tangible in the process of circulation and only converted one (01) times.
  • Invoices online convert paper invoices to prove the origin of goods must meet the rules outlined in Clause 2, 3, 4, Article 12 circular 32/2011/TT-BTC dated and must be signed by the legal representative of the seller, the seal of the seller.
Question 9: If the invoice has ( already set up and register number) if there are errors, then adjust how? Answer: Case 1: Errors in name, address, but yeah MST circular 26/2015/TT-BTC dated “ ...the side of the program, and not to invoice adjustment.” Case 2: other flaws. Made in accordance with article 9, circular 32/2011/TT-BTC” 1. Case electronic invoice made and sent to the buyer but not yet delivered goods, providing services or bills online has drawn up and sent to the buyer, the seller and the buyer hasn tax declaration, if found wrong, it can only get when you have the consent and confirmation of the seller and the buyer. The cancellation of invoice online there is in force in due time by the parties involved agreed. Online invoice cancelled must be stored serve the lookup of the state agency having jurisdiction. Sellers make invoice online new as prescribed in this circular to send to the buyer, on bill new online must have the words “this bill replaces the bill of..., sign, send months of the year. Made in accordance with article 9, circular 32/2011/TT-BTC” 2. Case invoice made and sent to the buyer, had delivered the goods, provision of services, seller and buyer have tax declaration, then errors are detected, then the seller and the buyer must make a written agreement signed electronically by both parties stating flaws, at the same time the seller online invoicing adjust flaws. Electronic invoices after stating adjust (increase or decrease) the quantity of goods, selling price, tax value added, cash value added tax for the invoice number... sign... based on invoices online tuning, the seller and the buyer made the declaration adjusted according to the provisions of the law on tax administration and bills current. Invoice adjustment is not recorded negative number (-).
Question 10: Unit provides solutions online bill can connect from accounting software business? Answer: Depending on the specific situation of enterprises, institutions intermediate solution provider bills online can provide the solution integrates with any accounting system of the business. 't have to re-enter data. For online invoicing LV-E. Invoice we have integrated ready on accounting software AccNet Cloud, for the business use other software lacviet still providing full all the parameters followed the instructions to integrate with other software
Question 11: Can bill electronic backdated? Production dance number? Answer: Circular no. 39/2014/TT-BTC, section a, subject 2, article 16 “ Date of invoice for the sale of goods is the moment of transfer of ownership or rights to use goods for the buyer, no distinction has obtained money or not. Date of invoice for the supply of services is the day of completion of the provision of services, irrespective had obtained the money or not. Cases to organize the supply of services made to collect money before or during the supply of services, the date of the bill is the payment date. Date of invoice for the activity that provides electricity, water, telecommunications services, tv services made not later than seven (7) next day from the date records only the number of electricity and water consumption on the clock or on the end of the convention with respect to the supply of telecommunications services, tv. States convention as a basis to calculate the amount of goods and services provided bases agreement between units providing telecommunications services, tv with buyers.
Understanding "electronic invoice what is"that will help the business optimize financial processes, save costs, increase transparency in accounting practices. When the law is increasingly tightly, then quickly switch/invoice application number will be a smart choice in the future. Let's start the transformation journey today to inherit the utility, efficiency, which bills online.


  • The company shares Information, Lac Viet
  • Hotline: (+at 84.28 which) 3842 3333
  • Email: – Website:
  • Headquarters: 23 Nguyen Thi Huynh, P. 8, Q. Phu Nhuan, ho chi minh CITY. Ho Chi Minh