To support businesses to easily track, collate data, cargo management efficiency form excess inventory Excel become useful tools. To help simplify the process of inventory, business always accurately grasp the situation of the goods. Let's Accnet learn the sample excess inventory excel right under article later!

1. Form excess inventory Excel circular 200 and circular 133

1.1. Download form excess inventory excel latest 2024

Below is a sample record information that help business easy tracking/management of goods. This template is optimized for the needs inventory different of each business

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1.2. The use case template inventory inventory 

  • Form excess inventory excel by product category

Form is designed to inventory the inventory under each product category specific. The category can include many different products, are classified based on factors such as type of goods, item code, product group.

Usually applied to businesses that have many kind of different goods need to follow, clearly categorized. For example, retail Businesses can use this form to inventory, clothing, accessories, shoes in each separate category.

  • Sample inventory periodically

Form excess inventory excel periodically used to excess inventory in the given time period (monthly, quarterly, year-end). Template is designed to track goods regular, easy to update inventory information.

In accordance with the business process inventory periodically to ensure the accuracy of inventory data by stage. For example: The business of manufacturing/distribution needs inventory regularly to update the information of goods throughout the operation cycle.

  • Form excess inventory excel for reference books and reality

Form focus on the collated data between bookkeeping and the number of the actual goods in stock. Include the column detailed information about the disparity between the data recorded on the books and actual inventory, making it easy to detect, fix the flaws.

Be used when business wants to check the accuracy of the data book than it actually is. For example: In the process of internal audit, business will use this report form is to make sure the information dovetail between book and inventory.

2. The main contents of the form excess inventory excel

2.1. Basic information

  • Business name/unit
  • Time inventory (day, month, year, time-specific implementation of inventory inventory)
  • Places inventory

2.2. List of goods inventory

  • Column "Name goods": List the full name of each products, supplies, tools inventoried
  • Column "encoder": the ID Code of the goods/the identifier of each items
  • The column "Number of books": the Number of inventory are recorded on the system of bookkeeping before conducting an inventory.
  • The column "actual amount": amount Of goods was an actual inventory in stock at the time of the inventory.
  • The column "Difference": The difference between the quantity of goods according to the books and the amount of actual inventory, including the number of excess/shortage.
  • Notes in the form excess inventory excel: explained in detail about the reasons for the difference, if any,

2.3. The confirmation of the related parties

  • The inventory: the Person responsible for accuracy of the data.
  • The person in charge warehouse: Person responsible for goods in stock
  • Leader representative: The high representative of the business/related parts
mẫu biên bản kiểm kê hàng tồn kho excel

3. Inventory inventory easily with warehouse management software lacviet 

With management software inventory, Lac Viet, the excess inventory is no longer complicated, time-consuming. Software offers outstanding features to help businesses easily monitor, manage, inventory and quickly.

  • Allows businesses to track goods in real time, ensuring constantly updated information about the inventory
  • Software supports to export inventory data directly into file, Excel includes a full range of market information such as the product code, the number of unsold books, the number of actual difference. 
  • With software Lac Viet, the business can immediately calculate the difference between the number of books and the fact that no need to enter data manually
  • To help businesses optimize the entire process, inventory management, from import, export goods to tracking and reporting
Mẫu phiếu kiểm kê hàng tồn kho Excel

Use form excess inventory Excel not only to help businesses easily track, manage goods, but also to improve efficiency, accuracy, in-process inventory. In addition, the advantage warehouse management software lacviet to automate the process of inventory and will help businesses save time, optimize costs, maintain the transparency in the management of warehouses. Let's start using the software today today!


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