The supplement is an integral part to update the changes on the property or income in the process of business activities, help the authorities capture timely information, avoid these flaws should not be. This article AccNet will provide samples, the latest addition, accompanied by the concept, the important note, to help businesses easily complete this obligation is most effective.
1. Sample declaration of assets what is additionality?
Sample declaration of assets supplement is a form used to record, report the change information about the property/income since the last declaration before that. This is an important document to ensure that information about the assets of the business/individual is always fully updated and accurate.
The purpose of the template declaration and the additional property:
- Update the change on the property or income transparency.
- Meet the requirements of the law on management, declaration of assets.
- Form the basis of accurate data to support the inspection and supervision from the authorities.
Distinguish the additions and initial declaration:
- Original declaration: Recorded information assets and income at the time of the first declaration.
- Declare additional: recognition of the changes arising from property, income, or property values declared earlier.

2. Mẫu kê khai tài sản bổ sung mới nhất 2025
Dưới đây là mẫu hoàn chỉnh của Bản kê khai tài sản, thu nhập bổ sung theo quy định tại Phụ lục II của Nghị định 130/2020/NĐ-CP:
Independence - freedom - happiness
1. General information
Name the declarant: .............................................................
Date of birth: ..............................................................
Position/title work: ....................................................
Agency/work unit: .........................................................
Place of permanent residence: .................................................................
Number of CCCD/ID card: ............................ Date of issue: .................. Place of issue: ...................
2. Wife or husband of the declaration
Name: .................................................................
Date of birth: .............................................................
Career: .................................................................
Work: .................................................................
Place of permanent residence: .................................................................
Number of CCCD/ID card: ............................ Date of issue: .................. Place of issue: ...................
3. Minor children (son, daughter, adopted under the provisions of the law)4. Volatility assets, and income; explain the origin of assets, increased income
STT Name Date of birth Place of permanent residence Number of CCCD/ID card 1 .............. .............. .............. .............. 2 .............. .............. .............. ..............
STT Property type income Increase/decrease Property value, income The origin of assets increase and total income 1 Right practical use for the land .............. .............. .............. 2 Housing, construction other .............. .............. .............. 3 Other assets attached to the land .............. .............. .............. 4 Gold, diamonds, platinum and other precious metals .............. .............. .............. 5 Cash, bank deposits .............. .............. .............. 6 Stocks, bonds, equity .............. .............. .............. 7 Property abroad .............. .............. .............. 8 Total income between the two times declaration .............. .............. .............. 5. Descriptive information about assets, income increase
Detailed description: .................................................................................. ........................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................
6. The commitment of the declarant
I hereby certify that the information declared above is true, complete and responsible before the substantive law was declared.
Date .... months .... 20 years...
(Signature and name)

3. The legal regulations related to the sample, the additional
3.1. Legal grounds main
The declaration of additional property is specified in the text of the legislation below:
- The law on anti-corruption 2018
- Decree 130/2020/ND-CP
- Circular of the Ministry of Finance
3.2. Object, the time limit using the form declaration of assets additions
Objects need to declare additional:
- The state enterprise responsible for managing public property.
- Private enterprise when the property or income related to the operation management, public property or state budget.
- Legal representative or senior manager in the business.
- The individual has the responsibility to declare the property in accordance with the law.
Period, frequency, apply the template to declare additional property:
The declaration when they arise, change the property or income: payment Time is within 30 days since have changed.
Declaration which states: Made annually or at the request of authorities.

4. The note when you use the template to declare the additional property
4.1. Identify the right property in need of additional
- Only the declaration of assets or income that can change or arising new compared with the first declaration ago.
- Avoid declaration duplicate or omissions.
4.2. Check the accuracy and validity of information
- Information in the template declaration must match the stock from reality.
- Ensure asset value is calculated, accurately recorded.
4.3. Regulatory compliance deadlines using the form declaration of assets additions
- Submit form to declare additional correct term according to the requirements of regulatory authorities.
- Avoid administrative penalties due to late payment or declaration is wrong.
4.4. Handle errors or violations of
- If errors are detected after the submission template declaration, need to submit a declaration to supplement, explain to the authorities.
- Serious violations can subject to financial sanctions or prosecution legal.

5. Solution of chemical processes, the additional
Application of technology in asset management is the effective solution to help businesses/individuals to process optimization declare additional property. Advantages of the software asset management include:
- The software automatically updates, recording of changes in assets
- Support business valuation assets in real time.
- Reducing the time to complete the craft.
- Easy access, filing online through the integrated system.
- Automatically check the accuracy of data before it is submitted.
Phần mềm AccNet Asset hiện đang là phần mềm nổi bật nhất trên thị trường số hóa, có tích hợp các tính năng quản lý, kê khai tài sản bổ sung chính xác, tiện lợi.
Phần mềm AccNet Asset solution provider of professional business support, manage, track, optimize performance, use the comprehensive property.
Benefits highlights:
- Manage the entire property information
- Supports calculate asset depreciation accurate
- Scheduling maintenance, repair, property alerts, timely
- Provide detailed reports on value, performance, usage history, property
- Connect sync with accounting software and the other management system
Phần mềm AccNet Asset – comprehensive solutions to help businesses optimize asset management, reduce costs, improve the efficiency of use. Software experience today!
Việc sử dụng mẫu kê khai tài sản bổ sung mới nhất không chỉ là yêu cầu pháp lý bắt buộc mà còn là yếu tố quan trọng để quản lý tài sản hiệu quả. Doanh nghiệp/cá nhân cần sử dụng mẫu trên đúng mục đích để tránh rủi ro pháp lý. Phần mềm AccNet Asset là một lựa chọn phù hợp, hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp không chỉ quản lý tài sản hiệu quả mà còn đáp ứng tốt các yêu cầu kê khai bổ sung.
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