In the technology trends of the electronic invoice is vital demand in the current context. Today the majority of the profession are to be manipulated via software, but besides that there are also a few cases need to paper bills. So, when you need to print electronic invoices and how to print electronic invoices why? Track articles of AccNet to understand more about this problem.

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cách in hóa đơn điện tử

1. Made in the bill when?

According to the decree 119/2018/ND-CP, the business, economic organization, individual, household, business, or other organization required to use the electronic invoice. The switch uses electronic invoices bring quite a lot of benefits. However, a few cases still need to print electronic invoices to bill paper to serve for the inspection and control, or investigation of the authorities.

A number of typical case needs to use stock from paper instead of electronic invoices as:

  • Proof of origin, derived products, serves the distribution, sales.
  • Serve the freight traffic on the road help the authorities to facilitate the inspection and supervision.
  • According to customer's requirement
  • The service of the storage in accordance with the Law on accounting.
  • For the investigation of the case.
  • Supplement to the papers of payment or the internal processes of the business.

How to print electronic invoices on the computer made extremely simple and quick will be AccNet introduced in the following sections.

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2. Guide how to print electronic invoice details right law 2024

In a bill electronic standards would need to perform these steps? The following is a guide how to print electronic invoices details under the provisions of the Law that AccNet general:

  • Step 1: log on software invoice electronic
  • Step 2: Find electronic invoices need to convert: Into the category management bill search bill electronic invoices that need to be in -> select view
  • Step 3: After finding the bills need to print -> select the print function switch
  • Step 4: Confirm information command in -> click print and receive paper bills were printed.
  • Step 5: Bring the bills, transfer printing made, signed and stamped to the invoice has legal value.

Electronic invoice when printing converts into stock from the paper only a single copy, and you just done only once. A bill right standard will be made clear: information "Bill switch from electronic invoice", time switch and at the end is the category of signatures.

To ensure there are no any errors, you should check the entire information through expression of the invoice to make sure all data of business and the accounting data on the invoice is correct.

The print switch electronic invoice to stock from paper step is important, but many potential challenges. Business may face difficulties in ensuring invoices are printed out accurate, complete information, accordance with the law, only once in a single. Minor flaws, such as lack of information, wrong data can lead to big consequences in management accounting, storage bills.

This is the time LV eInvoice become reliable solution. This software not only helps you to find, manage, print, convert invoice accuracy, all information from the data to the signature are correct handling processes, minimize risks of errors. With LV eInvoiceprocesses in the conversion bill become simpler and more secure than ever before. Let's experience right to process optimization, accounting, invoice management for your business!


Management software electronic invoice LV eInvoice fully integrated features from invoicing, number, storage, to automatically send invoices to customers in just a few seconds. System high security level of company shares information, Lac Viet ensure that all corporate data is securely protected

Benefits of using software electronic invoice LV e-Invoice includes:

  • Don't cost the cost of printing, storing papers
  • Automatically create, digitally sign, send and store invoices
  • Complete the process to issue bills in few seconds
  • Always updated according to the legal regulations latest
  • Flexible integration with the accounting system and ERP
  • Easy to use for all users
  • Technology advanced encryption protect your data before any risk of loss

With LV e-Invoicemanaging invoices has never been easier. Let us accompany you on your journey of corporate culture, creating sustainable value. Choose Vietnam - Choose the reliable and top quality.

cách in hóa đơn điện tử

3. Introduce a few ways in electronic invoice popular need to know

Instead of using paper bills as usual, a number of businesses have started using electronic invoices in the process of his business. The following is how to print electronic invoices specific of VNPT and Viettel, which you can refer to:

3.1 instructions how to print bill electronic VNPT

  • Step 1: log into the system invoice electronic VNPT
  • Enter full information about the login Name, password and confirmation code.
  • Step 2: See list of the bill electronic VNPT

After successful login, you select "electronic Invoice" on the menu bar.

Complete time period need to see the bill.

Select "Search for the invoice", the screen will return a list of the bills that you need to find.

  • Step 3: detail electronic invoice
  • Step 4: Download your bills

Hướng dẫn cách in hóa đơn điện tử VNPT

To print fast electronic invoice of yourself, you can also download the bill on the machine according to file format .inv or .pdf.

3.2 instructions how to print electronic invoice Viettel

  • Step 1: On your website
  • Step 2: Enter the full information: phone Number, date of invoice and authentication code.
  • Step 3: Go to the "Manage bills" > select "Manage bills".
  • Step 4: Click on the view invoice.
  • Step 5: Select receipt Printing.

cách in hóa đơn điện tử Viettel

4. How to print invoice on the computer to note anything?

Electronic invoicing is how valid? The implementation how to print electronic invoices on the computer is not difficult, however, need to comply with the legal regulations in order to ensure transparency and accurate. And when done in the invoice, you need to note:

  • Electronic invoices only converted 1 times from electronic to paper.
  • Bill is printed to reflect the integrity content original invoice and only has legal validity, while ensuring the requirements of integrity information on the invoice source.
  • Must have own symbols confirmation invoice has been converted from electronic to paper.
  • Bill after be print out to have their name, signature and seal of the responsible legal the seller to ensure the bill after printing.

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With article guide way in electronic invoice on, hope can help you to print bills, valid accordance with the law. To know more detailed information and news related to the issue of invoice, do not hesitate to contact AccNet according to the following information:

  • Software business management AccNetERP
  • Address: 23 Nguyen Thi Huynh, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District, ho chi minh CITY.CITY
  • Email:
  • Hotline: 0901 555 063