Supply chain (Supply Chain) is a system of organizations, activities, information and resources related directly or indirectly to the shipping of goods or services from producers, suppliers to consumers. The supply chain not only includes the manufacturer, supplier, but also related to the shipping, warehouses, retailers and customers. The supply chain of a company is to include the departments in the company (marketing, business, room logistics, customer service department,...). The departments will be closely linked together, to go to the goal is to meet the needs of our customers. supply chain là gì

The Supply Chain Consists Of These Components?

A supply chain completion is composed of 5 basic ingredients. The following are 5 components that make up a supply chain.

Suppliers of raw materials

A supplier of raw materials is considered an important part in 1 supply chain, because there is material we can produce.


If we only have the raw material they can't sell to customers, so a manufacturer will help us improve the raw material that into a finished product. Suppliers of raw materials and manufacturers are closely related to each other, one of the 2 the malfunction will affect a supply chain.


After get the products, alone we will not be able to take the product to each customer. A distributor will help us to do this. A distributor also can't take the product to all the customers in the market. Because they are usually delivered goods in quantities much less when selling retail to customers. So often the distributor will link with dealer retail (grocery, supermarkets, convenience stores,...) of them to distribute goods to consumers.


Reseller will have the task of retail goods which for the user, they will often enter a large amount of goods in inventory, then there will retail for each client. For example, the grocery, supermarkets, convenience stores,...


Customer will be the final consumption goods. Customers can also purchase at distributor, if they buy multiple quantities, but this ratio is quite low. The majority of them only buy at retail dealers, and distributors, they are also less when sales for retail clients. With 5 ingredients this, just rotate the ring will form a supply chain as it is now.
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The Role Of Supply Chain In Manufacturing Business

Supply chain has a role affect production activities and business of the business. Is considered an important step in the development business. A product is through many processes (purchase of raw materials, making products from raw material, packaging products, transporting products to companies, distributors, retailers,...) is new to the user, and the process that are located in the supply chain. Because the supply chain plays a very important role in bringing products and services to consumers. A company sold more products, revenue always increases, synonymous with the supply chain of companies which achieve high efficiency. vai trò của chuỗi cung ứng >>> See More: accounting software for medium and large business

Diagram Supply Chain Today

Supply chains today are often based on international supply chain SCOR (Supply – Chain Operations Reference). Diagram supply chain usually has 6 basic processes: planning, production, procurement, distribution, logistics systems, process technology). If a business has to be a diagram supply chain cohesively, it will bring the remarkably effective for the business.
sơ đồ chuỗi cung ứng mới nhất
Diagram supply chain today

How To Operate Effective Supply Chain

To operate the supply chain effectively, you need to design, strategic planning of the supply chain in detail. The design, planning strategies have a very important role in deciding the success or failure of that company. The business must regularly review, change strategies to suit the needs of the customer. But this will make you spend a lot of time and effort, I will help you operate and manage the supply chain simple that bring high efficiency. If you do not yet have a grasp on how to manage the supply chain effectively, or do not know where to start, The software supply chain Management of the System of corporate governance AccNetERP will help you do this. Management of supply chain management software business AccNetERP help you to easily manage, operate, supply chain in a smooth way, easy. >>> Useful information: How to handle bill electronic misspells according to the law The Management functions of supply chain management software business AccNetERP usually include:
  1. Handle customer requirements
  2. Order processing
  3. Distribution of goods
  4. Cargo management
  5. Goods receipt and warehouse management
  6. Supplier management
  7. Customer management
  8. Manage every stage of business
  9. Control staff
  10. Set sales mission
các chức năng quản lý chuỗi cung ứng của phần mềm accneterp When used software business management AccNetERP the operational management supply chain will be much easier. The benefits that software supply chain management brings to the business.
  • Increase business efficiency.
  • Reduce costs.
  • Analysis of business strategy.
  • Broad vision, easy management.
Hopefully with the useful information on, will help you and your business can learn more about supply chain and easily manage your supply chain effectively. If there are any questions about software supply chain management of the system of corporate governance AccNetERP, you can contact us by following information: Hotline: 0888 699 711 Email: Address: 23 Nguyen Thi Huynh, Ward 8, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City.