Author, expert

Mai Huong

Professional content marketing have 2 years of experience, had the position of accounting staff in over 3 years. Current're in charge of the content accounting, finance, business website at AccNet Vietnam.

Solution/technology accounting | Accounting | Handbook accounting... View details →

How effective inventory management in Excel IN JUST 7 STEPS (Download file)

Nhiều doanh nghiệp đang tìm kiếm các phương pháp đơn giản, hiệu quả, tiết kiệm để quản lý kho hàng của mình. Excel, với tính linh hoạt, dễ sử dụng, là một trong những công...

[DOWNLOAD NOW] Form excess inventory Excel by TT 200/TT 133

Để hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp dễ dàng theo dõi, đối chiếu số liệu, quản lý hàng hóa hiệu quả, mẫu biên bản kiểm kê hàng tồn kho Excel trở thành công cụ hữu ích. Giúp...

Inventory declined to say anything? Meaning positive or negative?

Việc giảm hàng tồn kho không chỉ đơn thuần phản ánh một con số, mà ẩn sau đó là những câu chuyện về quản lý hiệu quả, nhu cầu thị trường, sự phát triển bền...

Cost of storage is what? The cost type and formula accuracy

Chi phí lưu kho là một yếu tố quan trọng trong quá trình quản lý kho bãi của mọi doanh nghiệp, ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến giá thành sản phẩm, lợi nhuận. Trong bài viết...

Formula for calculating the coefficient of inventory turnover most standard 2024

Hệ số vòng quay hàng tồn kho là một chỉ số quan trọng phản ánh mức độ hiệu quả của việc quản lý kho bãi. Việc hiểu rõ chỉ số luân chuyển hàng tồn kho...

Window import warehouse, what is? Content and structure of the import warehouse

Sổ xuất nhập kho là một công cụ không thể thiếu giúp doanh nghiệp theo dõi chi tiết quá trình nhập, xuất hàng hóa, từ đó kiểm soát được lượng hàng tồn kho, đảm bảo...

Accounting process and export warehouse material for manufacturing products

Xuất kho vật liệu cho sản xuất sản phẩm là một khâu vô cùng quan trọng giúp quá trình sản xuất diễn ra liên tục. Quản lý tốt quá trình này sẽ giúp doanh nghiệp...

10 Provisions of the bill of business (Updated 2024)

Comply with the provisions of the bill of big business not only help avoid the legal risks, but also optimized the process of managing revenue/cost. Post...

3 Form replacement bill LATEST electronic 2024

The errors/changes in the contract is inevitable, so making the record replace electronic invoices become an important step in accounting. Post...

8 STEPS to cancel electronic bill has released the latest 2024

Currently, the business case should cancel the invoice has been issued due to errors, changes in transaction fairly popular. So, understanding the process of destroying the...

7 cases accounted for about ago bill later on most popular

Cargo ago, but the bill back then the situation is not rare, especially in the business are processes of buying and selling complex. However, to ensure...

VAT invoice can be issued for individuals are not? Process 3 STEP standard

With respect to transactions between businesses/individuals, the VAT invoice helps businesses accurately record revenue, protect the rights of buyers. Understand when and how...

7 Ways to invoice customers in retail does not take bills, the most realistic

Many businesses today still have trouble handling the case, the invoice retail customers, especially when travelers do not take bills. This article Accnet...

8 dispatch invoice processing illegality of the General department of Taxation (New)

Today, many enterprises have been faced with the risk of accidentally using bills are not legal. The dispatch invoice processing illegal.

Inventory on average, what is? Recipe accuracy

The number of inventory average is an important indicator to help businesses effectively manage quality goods. The calculation of this indicator to help businesses identify...

[DOWNLOAD NOW] warehouse cum handover get NEW merchandise

Votes shipment cum receipt of goods is an important document in the process of inventory management and freight forwarding of the business. This is a document to help...

Sample warehouse-cum internal transport (LATEST 2024)

The rotation goods and equipment between the parts branches in business is an indispensable activity. To ensure the process is transparent, accurate...

Invoice maker red minimum how much money the new law?

Today, many businesses still vague about threshold minimum amount necessary to invoice the red lead to the undue risk. So, are you sure I have mastered the...

Download the electronic invoice as PDF/XML (detailed instructions)

Electronic invoices can be downloaded from many different formats, the most common is PDF and XML, in order to serve the purpose of storage, collation and declaration...

Bill is kind of accounting, how? [7 CASE ACCOUNTING]

Bills excluded is the case of invoices issued by the enterprise or receive, but not be tax authorities accepted due to violation of the regulations on the establishment and use...

5 STEP guide how to export invoice gifts for employees

Gifts to employees is the interest in welfare policies, reward of the business, contribute to encourage teamwork, promote the dedication of staff....

How to export bills under the basic contract and payment many times

Invoice under the contract is the process of establishment/release of bill through the agreement in the contract between the seller, buyer. Today, some businesses still do not grasp...

5 Ways accounting alternative bill for all common situations

When the errors in need of correction information, the recognition accounting entries for the invoice replace (HĐTT) becomes necessary. This article will help you understand...

How to lookup invoice on the Total Tax department QUICKLY IN 5 STEPS

To ensure the legality of the transaction, the lookup bills on the system of the General department of Taxation is an important step that every business/individual are need to know...

6 latest Regulations on export invoices according to ND-CP and TT-BTC

With the changes of recent legal, mastering the regulations related to export invoices to help businesses enhance business reputation on the international...

Advance have to invoice? How invoice advance

Get cash advance from customers is an integral part to deploy the project. However, this raises the important question: "the advance has to produce goods...

Top 10 software warehouse management/inventory/supplies/import-inventory ERP

Warehouse management is currently applied on the modern tools to help automate, optimize the process. The application of inventory management system not only...

11 management software online sales have hit MOST used

Managing the entire sales process is no longer choose that becomes more urgent when the number of orders from multiple channels, warehouse management, logistics,...

Top 11 software asset management BEST business in Vietnam

Businesses increasingly owned many different types of property, from machinery to vehicles, infrastructure, causing many enterprises have difficulty in keeping track of the...

How to cancel bill electronic VNPT easy in 5 STEPS

Cancellation of electronic bill system VNPT is a process important for business people who are using the platform VNPT. Electronic invoice when issued but...

Cao Thi Hien

Professional Content Marketing more than 3 years experience, responsible for the content of the news management, market and customer stories on the website AccNet Vietnam.

News admin | Market news number of | Customer stories... View details →

How to make invoices red ensure legitimate, non-risk (New 2024)

Red invoice is useful tool to manage financial efficiency. To ensure the legality, avoiding the associated risks, businesses need to master the thing...

Application software accounting calculating cost of help Nitto Denko cost control

Product price calculator is a process that is complicated and incredibly important for businesses, especially manufacturing enterprises. Software application support...

Hanoi – Ngoc Son: solve challenging when many business branches

Monitoring and control remote operation is a difficult problem for businesses that have multiple branches, and Ngoc Son is also experiencing similar difficulties. Let's...

Lac Viet building solutions management accounting operation for ANTESCO

In the business environment full of fierce at the same time the highly developed industrial, material, organizational structure, operating traditional still competitive enough? That is the question...

Implementing ERP software For SMEs Business

Business SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) are always faced with many challenges in the process of commissioning and development. To enhance operational efficiency, digital transformation, and gain...

Reasons to use solution for electronic bills of Lac Viet Accnet

 Electronic invoicing is a solution financial management are becoming popular in the business today. It saves time and cost, increase the...


Cultural communication in business is what? Cultural communication in business is a system of values, principles, habits, and behaviors related to the delivery of...


As far as we known accounting software is an effective support tool for accounting and plays an important role for every business. So it has...

Definition software human resource management in business

Software human resource management (HRM) is a technology solution used to manage the activities related to human resources in a company or organization...

Introduction AccNetERP integrated software electronic Invoice

  Send your Company, first Words, CP company Information Lac Viet sincerely gratitude to your Company has always believed using the software AccNet...

The Solution Converter Numbers for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)

Webinars The Solution Number Conversion for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) online event “The Solution to Convert Numbers for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)” by...

Why to use electronic Invoice?

In the era of technology 4.0, the transition from paper invoices to electronic invoices (HĐĐT) is the inevitable trend of every type of commercial business, modern and...

Frequently asked questions about electronic invoices

Question 1: Calculate the outstanding of electronic bills compared to traditional invoice? Answer: Reduce the cost of printing, send, storage, storage, mining bill. Convenient...

The software has integrated electronic invoices?

During the great conversion of the demand app solutions, information technology (IT) in the operation of the business is one of the important elements to...

The benefits of using the electronic invoice

1. Save time for business With invoice paper, registration procedure invoice template is quite cumbersome. Businesses take a lot of time waiting for the Tax agency licensed....

Corporate Governance What Is? The Solution Business Management Efficiency

Corporate governance is important work that needs to be done for the leaders of the company, a company sustainable development, then there will be a...

Supply Chain What Is? How To Operate Effective Supply Chain

Supply chain (Supply Chain) is a system of organizations, activities, information and resources related directly or indirectly to the cargo or...

Financial Management What Is? How To Manage Business Finances Efficiently

Finance is considered as the source of life of the business, if you lose financial resources, then the business will go bankrupt. So businesses need to know financial management...

Buy Accounting Software Now?

Accounting software today have very developed in Vietnam, most of the small and medium sized businesses are already using accounting software. But currently, on the market...

Supply Chain Closed What Is? Difference Between Closed And Traditional

Over many decades, developing business has to come with the protection of the environment. So in many developed countries, supply chain, closed-rated...

ERP Software Price how Much | Price ERP Software Latest 2020

Today most of the businesses in Vietnam are application ERP software into your business, to enhance productivity, ease of management. With demand...

How The Application ERP Software In Business Management

Software business management or software known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a system resource planning or strategy in an organization or a business...

Software Business Management What Is?

Today, many businesses in Vietnam has developed strong and durable on the market. However, there may not many people know that the solution to help the business...

Electronic invoice and what you need to know

Electronic invoicing is the new solution, optimized for the business the era of technology 4.0, all the business from the date 01/11/2018 are required to use the template...

Software what is ERP? Why businesses must use ERP solutions in business

You are wishing to use ERP software to run your business? You do not know how to choose ERP solution for the match? The article below will help...

ERP software is best?

Today, with the demand for application software on the corporate governance and increasing on the market there are multiple units provide ERP solution not only is...

Financial management business

Content system of financial management in business is like the blood circulatory system in the body feed all the parts and the whole. Finance can...